Jining, Shandong: By 2025, the proportion of newly built prefabricated buildings in cities and towns will reach more than 50%



Jining City is one of the country's first prefabricated building demonstration cities. A series of policy documents that encourage and support the development of prefabricated buildings have been issued successively by the Jining Municipal People's Government, "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Modernization of Jining Construction Industry" and "Notice on Further Accelerating the Green and High-quality Development of Jining Construction Industry". The "Key Points and Task Decomposition Plan for Green Buildings and Prefabricated Buildings in Jining City in 2021" was formulated. Prefabricated parts such as prefabricated stairs, laminated floor slabs, and prefabricated interior partition panels are fully used in new civil buildings in the city. The city's government-invested or government-invested construction projects such as affordable housing and shantytown renovation housing are fully constructed in accordance with the prefabricated building standards. Development and construction projects that transfer land through bidding, auction and listing will construct prefabricated buildings in proportion to the annual development plan. In 2021, the proportion of newly built prefabricated buildings in cities and towns will reach more than 30%, and the proportion will increase by 5% every year. By 2025, the proportion of newly built prefabricated buildings in cities and towns will reach more than 50%. Become the main construction method.


The development of prefabricated buildings is the only way to comprehensively improve the quality and quality of housing

New-type urbanization is urbanization with people at the core, and housing is the biggest livelihood problem of the people. At present, the common problems of residential construction quality have been criticized, such as roof leakage, poor sealing effect of doors and windows, and cracked insulation walls. The backward production methods of the construction industry directly lead to the randomness of the construction process, and the quality of the project cannot be guaranteed. The prefabricated construction method can effectively improve the accuracy of the product, solve the common quality problems of the system, reduce the maintenance cost in the later period of the building, and extend the service life of the building. According to the requirements of "Shandong Province Prefabricated Building Evaluation Standard", prefabricated buildings should be delivered with full decoration. Full decoration refers to the integration of design and construction and the integration of construction and decoration. It is to use advanced manufacturing technology to comprehensively transform the construction industry and completely abandon outdated traditional design and construction methods. As early as 2002, the Ministry of Construction clearly stated the decoration standards for full decoration in the implementation rules for the first-time decoration of commercial residential buildings: Before the house is turned over, the fixed surfaces of all functional spaces have been paved or painted, and the basic equipment of the kitchen and bathroom has been installed. If there is a problem with the "fully furnished house", the first thing to look for is the developer. Whether there are quality problems in the house itself or in the process of the renovation project, the developer must take responsibility. From the perspective of decoration cost, the cost of full decoration is usually only higher than that of a rough house, and the cost pressure is not great. The materials used in fine decoration are more advanced and will be carefully designed, so it needs to be more expensive, so the incremental cost of a fully furnished house is much lower than that of a finely decorated house. The use of prefabricated construction methods can comprehensively improve the quality and performance of housing, so that the people can share the development results brought by scientific and technological progress and supply-side reforms, and in this way, it will drive the consumption of residential houses, and in the process of continuous upgrading, it will move towards the development path of the Chinese housing dream.


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