Taiyuan, Shanxi: 43.07 million square meters of new green buildings were added, accounting for 71% of new buildings



In the construction field of Taiyuan City, we have vigorously promoted the implementation of new standards and new technologies from three aspects: energy-saving buildings, green buildings, and renovation of existing buildings. Effectively accelerate the transformation of the people from having a place to live to having a place to live, and provide a strong guarantee for the realization of the dual-carbon goal. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, 60.73 million square meters of new buildings were added in the city, and the implementation rate of mandatory energy-saving standards was 100%. 43.07 million square meters of green buildings were added, accounting for 71% of new buildings.

According to the person in charge of Taiyuan Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, the development of building energy conservation and green building is not only an important measure to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, but also creates economic benefits for the society. Since 2020, our city has introduced high-quality social capital and adopted the PPP model to implement energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings. Up to now, it has completed the renovation of existing residential buildings with an area of 10.01 million square meters, saving 211.8 thousand tons of standard coal annually, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 550,000 tons per year, and achieving annual energy-saving benefits of approximately 86,666,900 yuan. This year, Taiyuan City has launched the second phase of the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, with a planned renovation area of 10.02 million square meters, striving to complete the 5 million square meters renovation target within this year.

In 2020, Taiyuan City issued the "Taiyuan City Green Building Special Action Plan" and the "Taiyuan City Green Building Creation Action Plan". The energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings and the energy efficiency improvement of public buildings have been continuously promoted. Passive ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energy consumption demonstration projects, new materials, new processes, and green construction technologies have been actively promoted and applied. Through a series of measures such as delimiting high-star building implementation standards and centralized demonstration area management, Taiyuan City has actively promoted the integrated development of building industrialization and green buildings. At the same time, combined with the achievements of Taiyuan National Renewable Energy Demonstration City and the resource distribution characteristics of Taiyuan City, we will continue to promote the development of renewable energy building applications and form a diversified development form of energy based on deep geothermal and solar energy.

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