Prefabricated buildings are widely used in the 1.5-level enterprise port in Jiangdong New District, Haikou City


The roof is covered with photovoltaic panels and the window glass "basking in the sun" can also generate electricity... August 25 is the "National Low-Carbon Day". When media reporters organized by the Hainan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment visited the 1.5-level Enterprise Port (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise Port) in the Jiangdong New Area, Haikou, they found that prefabricated buildings are widely used here, and there are many "green skills".

"This is the center of party building activities, and it is also our green building with near-zero carbon emissions. From design to construction, corporate port projects refer to the "Building Carbon Emission Calculation Standards" to improve building energy efficiency and continuously reduce building energy consumption." Said Zhang Bo, head of the strategic development department of Haikou Jiangdong New Area Development and Construction Co., Ltd.

Such a house is not uncommon in a corporate port. "The enterprise port project adopts the construction technology of'prefabricated steel structure + integrated modular system' to reduce carbon emissions from the entire process of production, transportation, and construction, reduce environmental pollution, and practice low-carbon concepts." Said Feng Jian, manager of the Hainan Company, the construction unit of the Enterprise Port project.

This construction process is just like "building blocks". The steel structure assembly and integrated modular system both adopt factory manufacturing and on-site mechanized installation. A large number of parts and components are transferred to the factory for completion, and then the "factory + site" parallel construction is realized, and carbon emissions during the construction process are reduced through assembly.

According to Zhang Bo, the total construction area of the enterprise port project is 23,000 square meters. It is constructed with 297 modular boxes and 800 tons of steel structural components. It takes 8 days to complete the hoisting construction of all modular units. The entire project took only more than 70 days from the start to the completion of construction. He pointed out that, compared with traditional buildings, prefabricated buildings have the characteristics of dismantling, mobility, reorganization, and recycling, which are highly compatible with the development trend of low-carbon construction, green buildings and the construction industry of circular economy.

In addition to the unique advantages in building materials, the Enterprise Port project also incorporates the construction concepts of smart systems and passive buildings, and applies smart systems such as smart light poles, smart charging piles, photovoltaic glass, and smart decomposition of kitchen waste. Further make overall considerations and deployments in terms of improving clean energy production and reducing energy consumption in the park, and implement smart construction to reduce carbon emissions.

In addition, in the dimension of green construction, in order to help achieve "carbon neutrality", the enterprise port project adopts sponge city construction measures such as sunken green space and permeable grass-planting brick biological retention zone. Combining the natural conditions of the site and the functional requirements of the building, energy-saving development of the building's body shape, plane layout, spatial scale, and envelope structure is carried out.

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