Yichang City, Hubei Province accelerates its march into the era of fully assembled buildings



On August 25, the reporter learned from the Yichang Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau that in order to speed up the construction of the national prefabricated building pilot demonstration zone, it is expected that Yichang will start construction of 2.4 million square meters of prefabricated buildings by the end of this year.

Since Yichang City was successfully awarded the National Prefabricated Building Model City in September 2020, the housing construction department of Yichang City has continued to promote the steady development of the entire prefabricated building industry chain, and has sped up Yichang City to promote the expansion of prefabricated buildings, increase quality and efficiency effect. This year, the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Promotion and Application of Prefabricated Buildings" and "Notice on the Promotion and Application of "Three Boards" in New Buildings in the City" were newly issued. Further improve the management and control of the planning source, and comprehensively increase the implementation ratio of prefabricated buildings. All standard plant projects such as industrial land, logistics and warehousing within the urban area implement prefabricated construction, and the implementation ratio of residential land projects is determined at 30%, 50%, and 80% according to the construction scale. From August 1, counties and cities from January 1, 2022, promote the application of mature prefabricated construction technologies such as prefabricated interior and exterior wall panels, prefabricated stair panels, and prefabricated floor slabs in new projects to increase the penetration rate of prefabricated construction. Promote general contracting of projects, actively apply BIM technology, try out design standardization, and accelerate the pace of factoryization, standardization, and assembly of the construction industry in Yichang. As of June, 1.23 million square meters of prefabricated buildings were newly started in the city, successfully achieving the phased goal of "more than half of the time and more than half of the task".

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