The first ALC sheet production line in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province will be put into operation soon, the thinnest is only 3.75 cm


In the "L"-shaped factory building covering an area of 20,000 square meters, an intelligent assembly line is slowly running. Several engineers pay attention to the operation of the equipment and come forward to debug from time to time... This is the second phase of the construction industrialization base of Zhejiang Yuanzhu Housing Industrialization Co., Ltd. located in Qixian Street. It is building Shaoxing’s first autoclaved aerated concrete (ALC) board production line, and it is also the only imported ALC production line newly installed in Zhejiang in the past ten years. At present, the project has completed all civil engineering works, and is undergoing equipment debugging. It is expected to be trial production in early September.

"Zhejiang Yuanzhu" is an enterprise that is deeply involved in the industrialization of construction and the prefabricated construction industry. In recent years, the company has invested 560 million yuan to build a construction industrialization base. The first phase of the project was completed and put into production in October 2018, mainly engaged in the R&D, design and production of precast concrete (PC) components. Extensively participated in prefabricated construction projects in Shaoxing, such as the reconstruction and expansion project of Shaoxing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the Yongrong Huafu project in Keqiao District, achieving an annual output value of about 400 million yuan. Construction of the second phase of the project started in May last year, and it is planned to officially start production in October this year. It can achieve an annual output of 400,000 cubic meters of ALC plates, bringing the company an annual output value of 300 million yuan.

According to reports, in the case of the same volume, ALC board has the advantages of light weight, good fire protection effect, high efficiency and energy saving, and can be widely used in prefabricated building interior walls, exterior walls and decorative panels, mezzanine floors, etc. In the prefabricated building, it can also complement the PC components that serve as the structure and load-bearing, which can increase the construction speed of the building and reduce the project cost. " At present, the country is vigorously developing the prefabricated construction industry, and the market prospect of ALC board as a component of prefabricated construction is also very good.In addition, our products are far superior to national standards in terms of energy-saving indicators and compressive strength, and are very competitive. " Liu Yi, general manager of the company's ALC business department, said that because ALC is lighter, it can also expand the domestic market. Previously, PC sheets were limited by logistics costs, with a sales radius of about 150 kilometers, while the sales radius of lighter ALC sheets could be expanded to 500 kilometers.

In the company's exhibition hall, Liu Yi showed reporters an ultra-thin ALC sheet product. "We have introduced a cutting-edge ALC production line from the Netherlands in Europe, and the thinnest thickness of the produced sheet is only 3.75 cm. This technology can be said to be the leading domestic technology, and it is difficult for other companies to achieve." Liu Yi said that ultra-thin boards can be used to make imitation stone exterior wall decorative panels or increase the freedom of customization. These competitive products can be sold to New Zealand, Australia, Japan and other countries to help "Zhejiang Yuanzhu" open up foreign markets.

The reporter learned that "Zhejiang Yuanzhu" will soon promote the third phase of the project. "We plan to build an assembly base for intelligent manufacturing equipment, and open up new markets by selling ALC sheet intelligent production equipment." In Liu Yi's introduction, the "Zhejiang Yuanzhu" leading the race has never stopped, and is striding forward.

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