Building a house is like building blocks. New progress has been made in the construction of the Qingsheng Resettlement Area in Nansha, Guangzhou.


Recently, the reporter learned from Guangzhou Nansha District Industrial Park Management Bureau that the Qingsheng Resettlement Area project in Nansha District, Guangzhou City has made new progress. The basement structure of the first opening area (Plot A) was basically completed on the morning of August 20th.

In order to implement the relevant national, provincial, and municipal policy requirements on vigorously developing prefabricated buildings and accelerating the modernization of the construction industry, and completing the annual implementation plan for prefabricated buildings formulated by Nansha District, all 68 single houses in Qingsheng Resettlement Area implement prefabricated buildings .

Fu Jiangshan, the civil engineering supervisor of Qingsheng General Contracting Department of China Railway Construction Nansha Investment Company, said that the specific implementation plan for the prefabricated construction of Qingsheng resettlement housing project is prefabricated laminated panels, prefabricated lightweight interior partition walls, prefabricated stairs and other parts and components, as well as integrated kitchens and toilets. The actual assembly rate exceeds 50%, and the total construction area of prefabricated buildings is about 700,000 square meters.

The Qingsheng Resettlement Housing Project will provide complete infrastructure facilities for the frontier science and technology industries in the Qingsheng Hub block, and lay the foundation for Nansha to build an industrialization base for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao innovation achievements and an international scientific and technological innovation service center. The project fully implements prefabricated buildings and creates prefabricated demonstration projects, which truly reflects Nansha's determination to implement new development concepts, promote smart construction and green construction, and help Nansha District's construction industry to transform and upgrade and implement green development and high-quality development.

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