Achieve near "zero" energy consumption! This ultra-low energy building demonstration project in Changping District, Beijing passed acceptance


Recently, the construction of the Second Middle School of Future Science City passed the acceptance of the third batch of "Beijing Ultra-low Energy Building Demonstration Projects", and the comprehensive energy-saving rate of the building reached over 80%.

It is understood that ultra-low energy buildings adapt to climatic characteristics and site conditions, make full use of technical measures such as natural ventilation, natural lighting, and thermal insulation of the envelope structure, and adopt high-efficiency energy equipment to minimize the energy consumption of building heating, air conditioning and lighting. On the basis of ultra-low energy-consumption buildings, through technical measures such as increasing the application of renewable energy buildings, it is possible to achieve near-zero energy consumption.

The total construction area of the Second Middle School of the Future Science City is more than 20,000 square meters, of which the ultra-low energy consumption building area on the ground exceeds 10,000 square meters. The multi-functional campus composed of teaching buildings, administrative buildings, gymnasiums, student apartments and its supporting facilities all adopt the passive house heat recovery fresh air system. Through the organic combination of air filtration, heat recovery and other technologies, the exhaust air energy can be recovered and transferred to the fresh air, so as to realize the heat recovery and utilization between the fresh air and the exhaust air. It can also accurately control the indoor temperature and significantly reduce the concentration of indoor PM2.5, sending fresh air into the room.

In traditional buildings, due to the poor thermal insulation performance of walls, doors and windows, and poor airtightness, the room temperature is greatly affected by the temperature. Especially in winter and summer, the room temperature is often adjusted with the help of heating and air conditioning. However, in the second middle school of Science City in the future, only a small amount of traditional heating and air-conditioning are needed. The indoor temperature is maintained at 20 to 26 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity is maintained at 30% to 60%.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee of Changping District, the insulation layer of the exterior wall of the building has increased from 7 cm of ordinary residences to 20 cm. The window is a conventional double-glass hollow exterior window designed as a passive exterior window with three-glass two-cavity and warm edges, surrounded by warm edge strips to ensure air tightness. After the project is put into use, a total of 134.2 tons of standard coal can be saved each year, and a total of 331.6 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced, a total of 2.7 tons of sulfur dioxide, a total of 1.3 tons of dust, and a total of 0.2 tons of nitrogen oxides.

In addition, a 300-square-meter solar photovoltaic power generation system and solar hot water system are installed on the roof of the dormitory project of the Second Middle School of the Future Science City. Through the conversion of solar energy into electric energy and heat energy, it can meet the electricity demand of all electrical equipment in the house, and can also provide hot water for the building.

In recent years, Beijing has successively promulgated relevant policies to support the construction of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Changping District promotes the development of ultra-low-energy buildings and green buildings in accordance with local conditions. The construction project of the Second Middle School of Science City in the future has won the Beijing ultra-low-energy building demonstration project award funds. Refining the reward standards has increased the reward policy, promoted the integrated development of green buildings and assembly buildings, and further promoted the high-quality development of green buildings. It is understood that a total of 67 projects in the district adopt prefabricated construction methods, 5 ultra-low energy consumption demonstration projects, and 14 green two-star and three-star operation logo projects. In the next step, the Changping District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee will continue to improve the level of building energy efficiency standards, comprehensively promote the development of ultra-low energy buildings in suitable climate zones, and contribute to the early realization of carbon peaks and carbon neutrality in the field of urban and rural construction.

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