Shandong Province Optimal Green Building Education Experience Base


Experiential education and publicity is an important means to improve the public's awareness and sense of identity for green buildings. In order to further strengthen the experiential education and publicity of green buildings, enhance the publicity effect of green buildings and building energy conservation, and promote the development of green buildings and the formation of green lifestyles, the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued a notice. It is required to strengthen the experiential education and publicity of green buildings, and promote the implementation of the "I do practical things for the masses" practical activities.

According to the notice, the municipal authorities will select green building education experience bases (hereinafter referred to as "experience bases"). On the voluntary basis of the project owner or management unit, the green buildings that have obtained two-star and above operation marks within the city and the ultra-low energy buildings, prefabricated buildings, green smart residential areas and other projects that have been completed and accepted should be selected and determined. For the projects listed as experience bases, the competent departments of each city shall guide them to establish a fixed educational experience place and a complete operation and management system. Equipped with corresponding facilities and experience areas, and assisted physical objects, videos, models, picture display and VR (virtual reality) immersive experience and other means, so that visitors can experience the role and effect of green building technology.

Relying on the experience base, all municipal competent departments shall further strengthen the experiential education and publicity of green buildings. And combined with energy conservation publicity week, low-carbon day and other activities, organized organs, enterprises, institutions, scientific research institutions staff, school students and residents to visit the experience base in a planned way. Promote advanced technology products for green buildings, building energy conservation and prefabricated buildings, publicize the advantages of green buildings, such as resource-saving, healthy and livable, and environmentally friendly, popularize knowledge about the use of various green facilities, and actively advocate behavioral energy-saving. Each experience base shall announce to the public the opening hours, appointment methods, etc., and do a good job in receiving the visit experience of the public. It must adhere to the nature of public welfare, and must not charge the visitors in disguise or force ride-hailing to consume; we must earnestly implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and control measures to ensure the safe development of experience activities.

In terms of strengthening dynamic management, the notice requires that the experience base be reviewed and re-announced every two years, and adjusted in a timely manner according to changes in technological progress and publicity effects. In case of problems such as illegal charges, hidden safety hazards, and failure to open to the public according to the public opening hours, they shall be guided and urged to make rectifications. If the rectifications are not in place, the title of experience base shall be cancelled in time. For projects with strong leadership in green development and good experience and publicity effects in this city, they can be recommended as provincial experience bases.

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Cooperation hotline: 400-828-1019

QQ customer service: 1575099316

Wechat customer service: 13327892019



Changzhou Creative Industry Park e727-728

Working hours

24 Hours, Monday - Friday