Chongqing's urban green buildings account for 57.24% of new buildings in 2020


The reporter learned from the Chongqing Development and Reform Commission on August 23 that in 2020, Chongqing’s urban green buildings accounted for 57.24% of new buildings, and the energy-saving, carbon-reduction and green development levels in the field of local housing and urban-rural construction continue to improve.

In recent years, Chongqing has attached great importance to energy conservation and carbon reduction. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Chongqing's total energy consumption intensity exceeded the national targets and tasks. The total increase in energy consumption in the city was lower than the national control target of 5.36 million tons of standard coal, and energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 19.4%, exceeding the national control target of 16%. In the first half of 2021, the energy consumption intensity of Chongqing's entire city fell by 3.2%.

The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Development and Reform Commission stated that in the work of energy conservation and carbon reduction, Chongqing mainly focuses on four major areas to promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in key industries. In terms of promoting building energy conservation, the city formulated and issued the "Chongqing City Green Building Materials Evaluation and Label Management Measures", taking the lead in establishing a green building material evaluation and labeling system across the country, and a total of 94 building materials products have obtained green building materials evaluation labels. At the same time, we continued to promote the energy-saving renovation of old residential buildings, and implemented a total of 562,400 square meters of residential building energy-saving renovation projects. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Chongqing added a total area of 5,745,200 square meters of renewable energy buildings, completing the goal of 1 million square meters a year. In addition, Chongqing has also vigorously promoted the application of prefabricated buildings. The prefabricated building area in the city accounts for 16% of the newly built building area. It was rated as a model city for prefabricated buildings by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

In terms of promoting industrial energy conservation, Chongqing vigorously builds a green manufacturing system and implements three actions of "Energy Efficiency Catching up", "Water Efficiency Improvement" and "Clean Production Level Improvement". During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the energy consumption of Chongqing's 10,000 yuan-scale industrial added value dropped to 0.795 tons of standard coal, which was lower than the national average. Developed and implemented an annual monitoring plan. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Chongqing has completed a total of 763 major industrial energy-saving supervisors and 1,029 municipal-level energy-saving supervisors of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. At the same time, Chongqing also provided non-profit energy-saving diagnostic services for 296 companies in the city, and carried out non-profit clean diagnostics for 300 companies in the city. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the annual energy consumption in Chongqing's industrial sector has basically stabilized at around 40 million tons of standard coal, with an average annual growth rate of 1.4%; energy consumption per unit of industrial added value has dropped by 16.6%.

In terms of transportation energy conservation, Chongqing is actively constructing green transportation infrastructure. Chongqing Tongnan-Rongchang Expressway, a typical national green road demonstration project, was completed and opened to traffic. The highway tunnel LED lighting coverage rate is 100%, and the city has 203 shore power supply capacity berths. By the end of 2020, the cargo turnover of Chongqing's railway and waterway reached 246.7 billion ton-kilometers. The total length of conventional bus lines in central Chongqing has increased to 9,916 kilometers, and the average daily passenger flow has reached 4.83 million. The operating mileage of rail transit reached 329 kilometers, and the average daily passenger capacity reached 2.85 million; the bus priority road was built with 161 kilometers, which basically achieved the coverage of the most congested roads in the central city.

In terms of energy conservation in public institutions, Chongqing has issued the "13th Five-Year Plan for Saving Energy and Resources in Chongqing Public Institutions" and the "Implementation Plan for the Establishment of Energy-saving Institutions" to further promote the creation of energy-saving institutions. Successfully created 94 national-level energy-saving public institution demonstration units, 14 public institutions were selected as national “energy efficiency leaders”, and 20 public institutions were selected as municipal “energy efficiency leaders”. And arranged for municipal financial funds of 6.25 million yuan to give commendations and rewards. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the energy consumption per unit building area of public institutions in Chongqing has dropped by 11.81%, and the comprehensive energy consumption per capita has dropped by 10.33%.

The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Development and Reform Commission stated that in the next step, Chongqing will further firmly establish and practice the new development concept, closely follow the national work deployment, and coordinate the dual control of energy consumption during the "14th Five-Year Plan". Accelerate the adjustment and optimization of energy consumption structure, and increase the use of clean energy and renewable energy. Strengthen energy conservation assessment, review and supervision, resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs" projects, and promote the further optimization of the industrial structure. Implement key energy-saving projects, promote energy efficiency transformation and improvement in key industries, and focus on improving energy efficiency in industries, construction, transportation, and public institutions. Strengthen energy-saving scientific research, encourage the popularization and application of advanced energy-saving technologies and products, and promote energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement. Through the above measures, the overall green transformation of Chongqing's economic and social development will be promoted, and the construction of a beautiful place with clear mountains and rivers will be accelerated.

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