"First underground, then above ground", the first long-segment, large-tonnage prefabricated integrated pipe gallery in Xiong'an New District was erected



First underground and then above ground is an important manifestation of the new planning and new concept of Xiongan New District. In the future, the Xiongan New District will build a network of underground pipe corridors covering hundreds of kilometers. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency and quality of the construction of underground pipe corridors has become an important issue for the construction of underground space in Xiongan.

On August 20th, the first long-segment, large-tonnage prefabricated and assembled comprehensive pipe gallery implemented by Xiongan New District using innovative technology was completed. The underground pipe gallery component launched in Xiongan New District has four cabins, including a gas cabin, two electric cabins and a comprehensive cabin, which are the main infrastructure for future energy management in Xiongan New District.


Different from the linear construction in which the foundation of the underground pipe gallery is first excavated and then poured on site, the components of the prefabricated pipe gallery can be prefabricated in the factory, hoisted and assembled on site for construction. This not only improves the quality of the pipe gallery, but also realizes the parallel construction of foundation excavation and prefabrication, which increases the construction efficiency by one-third compared with the traditional method.


It is understood that starting from 2018, a number of design and construction units led by China Xiong'an Group have conducted technical research on long-segment, large-tonnage prefabrication and prefabricated assembly. And successfully launched the entire process experiment of the 800-meter-long underground pipe gallery in Xiongan New District. This experiment has applied for more than 40 patents. After the expert acceptance in September, it will be widely promoted and applied in Xiongan New District. 

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