Inner Mongolia fully implements green building standards, determines 8 key development areas and 17 key tasks


The Information Office of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region recently held a press conference to interpret the policy on the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions").

The "Opinions" clarified the main goals of building energy conservation and green building development in Inner Mongolia: by 2022, the proportion of urban green buildings in the whole region will reach 60% of new buildings; and the proportion of prefabricated buildings will reach 15%. All leagues and cities should carry out pilot projects of passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings; complete the energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings of 5 million square meters, and the application area of green building materials will reach 7 million square meters. Building thermal insulation structure integration projects accounted for 10% of new buildings; the proportion of renewable energy used in civil buildings reached 10%. By 2025, new buildings in cities and towns in the district will fully implement the green building standards, and the construction of green ecological urban areas and green ecological communities will continue to advance. The proportion of star-rated green buildings in new buildings will exceed 30%; and the proportion of prefabricated buildings will reach 30%. Existing residential buildings have been renovated for energy saving of 10 million square meters, and the energy efficiency of public buildings has been continuously improved. The promotion area of green building materials has reached 10 million square meters, the proportion of integrated building insulation structure projects has reached more than 30%, and the proportion of renewable energy used in civil buildings has reached 30%.

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