Jiangxi comprehensively promotes the development of green buildings, taking the lead in implementing 100% of the country's green building requirements



Jiangxi Province earnestly implements the building policy of "applicable, economical, green and beautiful", vigorously develops and promotes green buildings, and takes the lead in implementing 100% of the country's green building requirements on the basis of full implementation of mandatory building energy efficiency standards.

In recent years, Jiangxi Province has issued the "Measures for Civil Building Energy Conservation and Promotion of Green Building Development in Jiangxi Province." Starting from April 1, 2020, the "Green Building Evaluation Standards" will be fully implemented for newly-built civil buildings in the urban planning areas of the province, and the construction quality acceptance of green building projects will be included in the special acceptance of the building energy saving division, and the control item requirements will be included in the mandatory content of engineering construction. It also puts forward clear requirements for all parties responsible for the construction unit, design unit, supervision unit, and construction unit. In December last year, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in conjunction with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Education, jointly issued the "Jiangxi Province Green Building Creation Action Implementation Plan." A number of key tasks have been determined, such as the implementation of the delivery of residential fully-furnished finished products, the improvement of residential health performance, the improvement of building energy and water efficiency, and the establishment of a green residential user supervision mechanism.

In March this year, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized four inspection teams to conduct a full-coverage inspection of the implementation of green buildings in all counties and cities in the province. A total of 307 inspection projects were carried out with a construction area of 18.92 million square meters. On June 1st, after the "Administrative Measures for Green Building Labels" of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development was formally implemented, Jiangxi re-identified the province's green building label expert database. He also compiled the "Technical Points for the Review of Construction Drawings of Green Buildings in Jiangxi Province" and "Questions and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Green Building Marks in Jiangxi Province", and successively guided Nanchang, Jiujiang, Pingxiang and other places to carry out green building publicity and implementation activities. And through video conferences, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development participated in the "Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality" lecture and the "Urban and Rural Construction Green and Low-Carbon Development" lectures. The number of participants in the province was nearly 2,000.

Jiangxi continues to accelerate the transformation of construction methods, actively adapts to the new trend of the construction industry's transformation to high-end, intelligent, and green construction, and accelerates the transformation of the construction industry's development mode. Issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Construction Industry with High-Quality Development", and drafted the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Jiangxi Province", "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Synergy of Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization and Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings" "Implementation Plan for the Creation of Green Buildings in Jiangxi Province" and other documents. Ganzhou City and Fuzhou City were awarded as National Model Cities for Prefabricated Buildings, and one park of 8 companies was selected as a national prefabricated building industry base. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the province started a total of 63.19 million square meters of prefabricated construction and completed 26.82 million square meters.

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