Heneng Home: the leader in prefabricated decoration practice, reducing carbon emissions by about 80%



Recently, the reporter learned from Heneng Home Technology (Tianjin) Group Co., Ltd. that the company relies on the Tianjin Binhai Assembly and Decoration Intelligent Manufacturing Base and adopts customized production of whole house parts and on-site dry assembly. According to calculations from related organizations on carbon emissions, the carbon emissions of whole-house prefabricated decoration are expected to be reduced by at least 80% compared with traditional decoration methods.

In the traditional perception of the public, the construction and decoration industry is a "big consumer" of energy. According to statistics, the construction and decoration industry is one of the three major energy-consuming industries in China. In 2019, my country's total construction area reached 64.4 billion m², and total carbon emissions during construction operations reached 2.2 billion tons. Relevant statistics show that 2.8 tons of carbon dioxide are generated for every ton of cement produced, and about 20-30% of the cement is used for interior installation projects every year. If calculated according to the whole life cycle of the building, the total amount of carbon dioxide used in decoration exceeds that of the main structure of the building. But with the development of prefabricated decoration, this situation is changing.

As a national-level high-tech enterprise registered in the Tianjin Economic Development Zone, Heneng Home Technology (Tianjin) Group Co., Ltd. is a national-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprise, the first batch of gazelle enterprises in Tianjin, and one of the top 100 enterprises in Tianjin Economic Development Zone. Heneng Home Technology Group (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise with whole-house prefabricated decoration technology and parts system in China, and the first batch of national prefabricated construction industry bases. Since 2005, the company established a project to study the solution of prefabricated decoration system. After more than ten years of research and development practice, it has achieved a leapfrog development from leading technology and leading standards to leading systems and leading supplies. At present, Heneng Home has realized the layout of the whole industry of prefabricated decoration, and formed a new butler-style service model of three-dimensional integrated full hardcover finished product delivery mainly based on prefabricated decoration products, digital tools and full-chain services.

It is understood that the Heneng whole house prefabricated decoration system relies on the Tianjin Binhai prefabricated decoration intelligent manufacturing base, through the customized production of the whole house parts and on-site dry assembly, realizing no cutting and noise-free construction on site. Reduce construction waste discharge from the source, 100 square meter house decoration can reduce waste discharge by 3-4 tons. It saves 20% of material costs, 67% of house decoration weight, 100% of water, 70% of energy consumption, reduction of waste of resources and improvement of earthquake resistance. According to calculations from related organizations on carbon emissions, the carbon emissions of whole-house prefabricated decoration are expected to be reduced by at least 80% compared with traditional decoration methods. In addition, through the integration and standardization of components, the assembly-style decoration can complete the whole house decoration on site without requiring craftsmen, and the decoration efficiency is greatly improved. In the construction and application of actual projects in Beijing, through interspersed construction, prefabricated decoration can shorten the construction period by about 30%. While ensuring the quality of the building, it has achieved cost reduction and efficiency increase in the construction industry, and reduced carbon emissions during the construction phase. At the same time, in the operation and renewal of the whole life cycle of the house, the prefabricated decoration fully reflects the characteristics of light maintenance and easy renewal. According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Affordable Housing Center, the post-maintenance rate of houses that adopt and can be prefabricated decoration is reduced by 83%.

The relevant person in charge of Heneng Home Technology Group (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. said that the prefabricated decoration adopts the dry construction method, which is a decoration method that combines the interior parts and equipment pipelines produced by the factory on the site. As a new type of industrial decoration method, prefabricated decoration has the advantages of short construction period, high production efficiency, low resource consumption, and low environmental pollution. It is of great practical significance to promote green construction and realize the low-carbon and healthy development of the construction industry. He said that in recent years, with the continuous development of prefabricated buildings, green buildings and intelligent construction throughout the country, prefabricated decoration has also developed rapidly throughout the country. The advantages of prefabricated decoration in terms of green and low carbon, cost reduction and efficiency increase, alleviation of construction labor shortage and optimization of the productivity structure of the decoration industry are becoming more and more obvious. At present, prefabricated decoration has become an important means to promote the green and low-carbon development of the decoration industry, realize the modern transformation of China's construction industry, and realize the high-quality sustainable development of buildings.

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