"Double carbon" era! Inner Mongolia strives to promote building energy efficiency and green building development



On August 17, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region government held a regular policy briefing, and relevant departments gave an introduction on the introduction of the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions").

According to Jie Xinmin, deputy director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the "Implementation Opinions" issued by the autonomous region government a few days ago is a supporting policy measure to implement the "Regulations on Civil Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region." It is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to promote energy conservation, emission reduction and green development in the field of housing urban and rural construction, develop a low-carbon circular economy, promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and build a beautiful Inner Mongolia.

The "Implementation Opinions" clarified that by 2022, the proportion of green buildings in Inner Mongolia's cities and towns will reach 60% of new buildings; the proportion of prefabricated buildings will reach 15%; all leagues and cities should carry out passive ultra-low energy building pilot projects. Complete the energy-saving renovation of 5 million square meters of existing residential buildings, and the application area of green building materials has reached 7 million square meters; the integration of building insulation structure projects accounted for 10% of new buildings; the application of renewable energy in civil buildings reached 10%. By 2025, new buildings in the district will fully implement the green building standards, and the construction of green ecological urban areas and green ecological communities will continue to advance. The proportion of star-rated green buildings in new buildings will exceed 30%; and the proportion of prefabricated buildings will reach 30%. Existing residential buildings have been renovated for energy saving of 10 million square meters, and the energy efficiency of public buildings has been continuously improved. The promotion area of green building materials has reached 10 million square meters, the proportion of integrated building insulation structure projects has reached more than 30%, and the proportion of renewable energy used in civil buildings has reached 30%.

The "Implementation Opinions" also proposed 8 key tasks for building energy conservation and green building development in Inner Mongolia during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, such as new building energy conservation, large-scale development of green buildings, prefabricated buildings, and passive ultra-low energy buildings. The determination of key tasks fully integrates the current main trends of domestic building energy efficiency and green building development and the actual work of the autonomous region, and provides policy guidelines for promoting building energy efficiency and green building development in Inner Mongolia.

At the same time, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region will establish an inter-departmental joint meeting system to coordinate the promotion of building energy conservation and green building development. Establish a supervision mechanism for the whole process from project initiation, planning, land use, design, drawing review, construction, inspection, acceptance, and evaluation, and implement the main responsibilities of all parties in project construction, such as development and construction, survey and design, construction drawing review, construction, and supervision. Continue to implement the tax reduction and exemption and evaluation and innovation policies to guide and promote the development of green finance. Strengthen responsibility assessment, implement air pollution prevention and control, "dual control" of total energy consumption and intensity, and assessment of responsibility for ecological civilization construction to ensure the implementation of objectives and tasks.

In the next step, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region will guide the leagues and cities to implement the "Implementation Opinions". Establish a building energy efficiency and green building standard system, conduct orderly supervision and inspection, do a good job of publicity and promotion, promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in urban and rural construction, and comprehensively promote the development of building energy efficiency and green buildings in Inner Mongolia.

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