The first industrialized prefabricated bridge opens to traffic in Longyan City, Fujian Province!


At 9 a.m. on August 15th, the long-awaited reconstruction project of Hongmen Bridge in Longyan City has completed the construction of the main bridge and opened to traffic first!

The reporter learned from Fujian Jianhao Construction Technology Co., Ltd. that this is the first industrial prefabricated bridge in Longyan City, and the first bridge to use plate girder factory assembly. The upper components of the bridge are prefabricated in the factory and then transported to the site to complete the bridge construction. This new technology speeds up the construction speed, reduces on-site pollution, and achieves low carbon, which is of great significance.

The Hongmen Bridge reconstruction project is an important part of the main road network construction of Longyan City with "one ring, one axis, four vertical and five horizontal", and is a key emergency project in the central city. It is located at the intersection of Nanhuan Road and South Xinan Road in Xinluo District, across Xiaoxi River, and is an important passage connecting Nanhuan Road and South Xinan Road. The bridge was built in 1984, and the bridge deck was widened to 28.3 meters in 1995. On January 13, 2021, this old bridge renovation project that has served citizens for nearly 40 years was officially launched. The length of the bridge is 60 meters, three spans are designed, and the span is 20 meters.

▲Slab beam hoisting construction

▲The factory construction scene of the hollow slab beam

In order to seize the golden period of construction and ensure that the project construction progresses on schedule, the Hongmen Bridge Reconstruction Project Department carefully organized the project to keep an eye on the construction period of the nodes and strictly control the safety and quality. And in the city, the first prefabricated construction company in Longyan City, Fujian Jianhao Construction Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Gaobei area of Longyan High-tech Zone, will be the first in the city to process the bridge piers and at the same time as factory processing. The company completed 28 pieces of hollow slabs per span and shipped them to the site in less than 60 days. During the installation process, the company used a 220-ton truck crane parked behind the east abutment to laterally hoist 28 panels on the east span, and a 220-ton truck crane and a 100-ton truck crane were used for the middle span and the west span. In the end, it only took 3 days to complete the task of erecting the hollow slab girder of the Hongmen Bridge, laying a solid foundation for the completion and opening of the whole line on schedule, and also filling the gap in the construction of prefabricated bridges in the city.

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