The Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province launched the "Green Development, Three Gets Four Lectures, Two Interactions" Activity


In order to give full play to the advantages of Xi’an’s scientific and technological resources, promote the high-quality development of building energy conservation, and fully realize the goal of “carbon peaking” in the field of housing construction, on August 6, Xi’an Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau declared “Green Development, Three Send Four Talks and Two Interactions” (policy, technology, service; situation, key points, standards, and methods. Urban interaction, government-enterprise interaction ) As the theme, went to the city Anju Group for discussion and exchange.

At the symposium, Anju Group briefly introduced its job functions, goals, tasks and development ideas, and promoted related work in green development and construction technology. The Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development conducted policy announcements and technical interpretations on green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and clarified the focus and policy standards of government investment projects in prefabricated and green buildings. Participants also conducted exchanges and discussions on ground source heat pumps, photovoltaic power generation, ultra-low energy consumption demonstration projects, and building technology research and development.

Xi'an Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau pointed out that Anju Group, as a policy-based housing enterprise, has the characteristics and advantages of large project volume, large proportion, standardized project management, and high degree of standardization. It is the mission of the industry to implement policy requirements such as green buildings and prefabricated buildings, and it is also the unshirkable responsibility of municipal enterprises. Anju Group should integrate the city’s policy-oriented housing development plan, be proactive, start ahead, and seize market opportunities. Set an example in green buildings, prefabricated buildings, ultra-low energy consumption, renewable energy applications, etc., build a number of excellent demonstration projects, and become active practitioners and industry leaders in the dual-carbon goal.

Anju Group stated that it will continue to integrate the city's policy-oriented housing development plan, with the main line of deepening the structural reform of the housing supply side. Build a "3+2+1" development pattern, and earnestly do a good job in securing housing for all kinds of talents, new citizens, and low- and middle-income families. At the same time, it will closely follow the policy guidance, do a good job in the construction of green buildings and prefabricated buildings, ultra-low energy consumption, renewable energy applications and other projects, and actively contribute to the realization of the "double carbon goal" for people to live with peace of mind and peace of mind. .

The two parties expressed that they will continue to strengthen cooperation, form synergy, benign interaction, and support each other, and work together to accelerate the promotion of the city's green development.

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