Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province leads the province in green building development


In recent years, Changzhou City has built high-quality green buildings, guided the transformation of urban and rural construction models and construction industry development methods, promoted the low-carbon, ecological, and green transformation of the urbanization process, and promoted urban and rural construction on a green, circular, and low-carbon scientific development track.

Changzhou City has become one of the first three green construction pilot areas in the country. The other two are Hunan Province and Shenzhen City.

"Changzhou Cultural Square is a large-scale green building complex that meets the three-star green building standards. From the beginning of planning and design, green building thinking has been introduced. The "green" of this building complex is embodied in various aspects such as land saving, energy saving, water saving, and material saving." Tong Shanzhong, a green construction consulting engineer for the Changzhou Cultural Square Project, said that in terms of energy conservation, the Cultural Square project uses energy-saving systems such as thermal optimization, external shading, natural ventilation and daylighting, exhaust heat recovery, ice storage, and photovoltaic power generation. The amount of recyclable materials reaches more than 10%.

In 2019, Changzhou City was successfully selected as the first batch of green and livable urban demonstration zone projects in the province. The goal is to build an energy-saving, comfortable, smart and ecological green and livable demonstration zone within three years. Among them, it is east to Changjiang North Road, west to Leshan Road, south to Longxu Road, and north to Honghe Road. The core area of the high-speed rail new city with a total area of 1.46 square kilometers is the agglomeration demonstration area of the green and livable urban area of Changzhou. It will concentrate on the implementation of 8 green infrastructure and 10 types of green demonstration projects.

At present, the first phase of the regional energy station project in this demonstration zone uses the temperature difference between river water and renewable water resources in different seasons, and uses equipment to extract this part of the temperature difference energy for use by public buildings and residential buildings in the area. In the newly-built communities such as Jinke Poly North County Garden, the owners do not need to install air conditioners in their homes. In summer, the indoor temperature can be kept at a cool temperature of about 26 degrees Celsius. In winter, there is no need to turn on the floor heating to have a comfortable and warm room temperature.

After all the regional energy stations are completed, they can provide centralized cooling and heating services for more than 20,000 residents and more than 1,000 enterprises and institutions in the Changzhou High-speed Rail New City.

It is understood that the green building work in Changzhou has been at the forefront of the province. As early as 2010, Changzhou Wujin low-carbon town was included in the first batch of provincial green building demonstration zones, setting a precedent for Changzhou's green building demonstration. In October 2011, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development agreed to establish the country's first green building industry cluster demonstration zone in Wujin, Changzhou. For many years, the Wujin Green Construction Zone has set the goal of “planting well the experimental fields of cooperation between ministries and provinces, striving to be the leader of ecological civilization”, insisting on doing a good job of demonstration and leading and industrial agglomeration, and realizing the green construction industry from “addition” to “integration”. The whole district's green construction industry is moving to a larger scale, higher level, and higher level, and it has initially established the "first" and "only" position in the national green building industry.

Since 2010, Changzhou has successfully created 13 provincial-level green building demonstration zones. By the end of 2020, there will be 318 green building labeling projects in the city, with a total area of 28,589,800 square meters. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the city's newly added green building area was 44.523 million square meters, of which the total area of renewable energy application buildings reached 21.84 million square meters. The application of renewable energy in Changzhou City has been promoted from a single project demonstration to the region.

In the next step, Changzhou will focus on building higher quality, green, livable and higher-quality cities in a cluster of demonstration areas in green and livable urban areas. Focus on areas such as regional energy stations, sponge cities, green lighting, smart cities, reclaimed water utilization, green transportation, multiple light poles, and ecological greenways to further improve regional green infrastructure. It will also implement and demonstrate green projects in terms of green buildings, contract energy management, 75% energy-saving buildings, ultra-low energy buildings, green communities, green campuses, prefabricated buildings, BIM technology applications, whole-process engineering consulting, energy efficiency improvement of public institutions.

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