Dalian District of Liaoning City implements the green building star standard in proportion



Newly built civil buildings shall fully implement the green building standards and promote the star-level evaluation of green buildings. Seize the process of construction drawing review and completion acceptance to promote green construction and operation management throughout the life cycle; promote green construction methods through green design, green production, green building materials selection, green construction and installation, green integrated decoration and green operation... The reporter learned on August 4 that, with the development of green buildings as the starting point, Dalian has launched a carbon neutral strategy in an all-round way.

Green building is to save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, applicable and efficient use space in the whole life cycle, and build high-quality buildings in harmony between man and nature to the maximum extent. Dalian City requires that from June 1st, 100% of the city's newly built civil buildings implement the green building standards, and those that do not meet the green building standards will not be accepted. At the same time, on the basis of meeting the basic standards of green buildings, new buildings will implement the star-level standards of green buildings in different proportions. Among them, government investment projects with a single building area of more than 20,000 square meters are encouraged to implement the two-star standard. Residential projects with a total construction area of 30,000 square meters or more in Zhongshan District, Xigang District, Shahekou District, Ganjingzi District, and High-tech Park and public construction projects with a single building area of more than 5,000 square meters implement one-star standards. For residential projects with a total construction area of more than 30,000 square meters in Jinpu New District and Lushunkou District, more than 40% of the construction area is subject to one-star standards. Public building projects with a total construction area of more than 30,000 square meters and a single building area of more than 10,000 square meters implement one-star standards; other districts (counties) implement one-star standards and green buildings account for no less than 10% of new buildings.

In addition, Dalian is speeding up the application of green building materials such as new energy-saving masonry materials, thermal insulation materials, building energy-saving glass, ceramic tiles, sanitary ceramics, ready-mixed concrete, and ready-mixed mortar. Strengthen financial support, arrange green building funds, strengthen financial support, use financial tools such as green credit, green bonds, and carbon finance to promote the construction of green building projects in the housing construction field, and plan to establish a green building project reserve database.

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