The Construction Industry Modernization Branch of Quanzhou Construction Association was recently established


The inaugural meeting of the Construction Industry Modernization Branch of Quanzhou Construction Industry Association and the first membership meeting were held recently.

It is reported that the first batch of members of the Construction Industry Modernization Branch of Quanzhou Construction Association has 43 members. The branch will actively organize investigations of industry advantages, truly reflect the demands and wishes of modern construction enterprises, and propose economic and technological policies and regulations for the modernization of the construction industry; Standardize industry management and safeguard the overall interests of the industry; conduct training and exchanges on corporate management and technology to further promote the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry in Quanzhou.

Industry insiders said that the establishment of the Construction Industry Modernization Branch of Quanzhou Construction Association will play a positive role in transforming Quanzhou's construction industry development mode and accelerating the modernization process of the city's construction industry.

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