Henan Province will vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings in the new construction of rural houses after the disaster



On August 4, the reporter learned from a press conference held by the Henan Provincial Government Information Office that the Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will speed up the reconstruction of rural houses after the disaster, and vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings in new houses to improve the quality of housing construction.


In this disaster, rural houses in some areas of Henan were seriously damaged, especially the problem of rural housing safety after the disaster. Regarding this issue, Gong Kuisheng, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, introduced at the press conference that after the disaster, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department quickly organized personnel to conduct emergency assessments or appraisal of the safety of the disaster-stricken rural and urban houses, and carefully studied and arranged various post-disaster reconstruction tasks. As of 17:00 on August 3, the province has assessed 169,600 rural houses, involving 5560 administrative villages, and assessed 105,300 houses that meet the conditions for returning farmers to their homes. About 4,300 technicians participate in house evaluations every day.

According to Gong Kuisheng, in terms of ensuring the safety of rural housing, the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department guides various localities to carry out reconstruction work according to local conditions. For houses that can be rebuilt on the original site, it is recommended that farmers hire a construction team to build themselves. If it is really difficult for farmers to build by themselves, the township government and village committee should help villagers to coordinate and train qualified construction teams for construction. For villages that are seriously damaged by the disaster and need to be relocated, the site selection and planning work should be done first. Reasonably avoid flood-prone areas, underground mined-out areas, and weak soil and loose soil layers, and then the local housing construction departments or township organizations with correspondingly qualified construction companies for unified construction.

It is worth noting that, in order to ensure the safety of rural housing, the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department also instructs cities and counties to quickly develop professional skills training for rural construction craftsmen, and guide villagers to choose trained rural construction craftsmen when building houses. Speed up the post-disaster reconstruction of rural houses, and at the same time vigorously promote the application of prefabricated buildings in new houses to improve the quality of house construction.

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