Jiangxi Province "Prefabricated Building Evaluation Standards" will be formally implemented soon!



On August 1, 2021, the Jiangxi Provincial Prefabricated Building Evaluation Standard (hereinafter referred to as the standard), which was compiled by the National Financial Green Construction and issued by the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (hereinafter referred to as the standard) will be formally implemented.

This standard is in accordance with the requirements of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development "Notice on Issuing the First Batch of Jiangxi Provincial Engineering Construction Standards and Construction Standard Design Project Plans in 2019" (Gan Jiankeshe [2019] No. 15), and is compiled on the basis of earnestly summarizing practical experience, referring to relevant standards, and extensively soliciting opinions. The standard is divided into 8 chapters and 1 appendix. The main contents include: general rules, terminology, basic regulations, calculation of assembly rate, evaluation of main structure, evaluation of retaining walls and internal partition walls, evaluation of decoration and equipment pipelines, additional points, etc.

The development of prefabricated buildings is the main measure for green development and low-carbon circular development in the field of urban and rural construction. It is not only an important means of stabilizing growth, promoting reform, and adjusting structure, but also an inherent requirement for creating a "dual engine" for economic development. The promulgation of the standard has provided guidelines for the development of prefabricated buildings in Jiangxi Province, promoted the development of standardization, generalization, informatization, and integration of prefabricated buildings, and contributed to the innovative development of the entire industrial chain of prefabricated buildings in Jiangxi Province.

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