China's first self-developed building component assembly robot rolls off the assembly line


On August 2, China's first self-developed building component assembly robot was rolled off the production base of China Railway Science and Industry Group in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. This also filled a gap in the field of prefabricated construction equipment in my country. In the future, the robot will be used in Guangzhou. Construction of the Chisha Depot of Metro Line 11.

Yuan Zhenhua, head of the robotics project of the China Railway Science and Industry Group Machinery Institute, said that this robot is 80 meters long, weighs 460 tons, has an effective span of 69 meters, and can erect beams with a maximum weight of 120 tons. "In order to make the robot smart and flexible, 72 sensors and 50 cameras are installed on the device to form a 'network hub'. 8 independently movable legs composed of 32 tires, which can walk horizontally and vertically, extend and retract independently, climb over ridges, and construct across floors. They do not interfere with the construction of tower cranes, cast-in-place, etc., just like a flexible spider, realizing functional humanization, automation and intelligence. "Yuan Zhenhua said.

Shi Liang, director of the production department of China Railway Science and Industry Machinery Institute, told reporters that the self-developed assembly robot adopts the Beidou positioning correction system and frequency conversion speed regulation technology to solve the difficult problems of precise construction and stable operation, and the measurement accuracy can reach 10 mm.

Yuan Zhenhua said: "With this robot, projects that used to require dozens of people to construct, now only need one driver and one commander. It greatly saves manpower, reduces the labor intensity of personnel, reduces the generation of noise and dust, and can increase the construction efficiency by 5 times. "

In recent years, the traditional construction method using on-site pouring can no longer meet the increasingly stringent requirements of urban building construction, and the prefabricated construction method has a broad market prospect due to its advantages of less labor, short construction period, high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. Yuan Zhenhua said that the modified robot can be used for the construction of prefabricated bridge erecting machines, and also for the construction of large prefabricated buildings.

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