The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development interviewed 5 city governments to demand effective stabilization of the real estate market


On July 29, Ni Hong, Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, interviewed responsible comrades of the five city governments of Yinchuan, Xuzhou, Jinhua, Quanzhou, and Huizhou. It is required to resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the positioning of houses for living, not for speculation, and not use real estate as a means of stimulating the economy in the short term, and earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of the city. In response to the new conditions and new problems that emerged in the real estate market in the first half of the year, we will increase regulation and supervision to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

In the five cities of Yinchuan, Xuzhou, Jinhua, Quanzhou, and Huizhou, the sales price of newly-built commercial housing and the price of residential land increased too fast in the first half of this year, and the market expectation was unstable, which caused widespread concern in the society. The meeting announced that Yinchuan, Xuzhou, Jinhua, Quanzhou, and Huizhou will be included in the list of key cities for real estate market monitoring. It is reported that the real estate control work in such cities is jointly supervised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and relevant provincial governments.

Ni Hong pointed out that all localities must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and implement the spirit of the State Council on July 22 to accelerate the development of affordable rental housing and to further improve the real estate market regulation and control work. Enhancing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of work to ensure that the goal of stabilizing land prices, housing prices, and expectations is achieved. First, we must speed up the establishment and improvement of the linkage mechanism of housing prices and land prices, optimize land auction rules, limit housing prices, control land prices, improve quality, and resolutely stabilize land prices and house prices. Second, we must speed up the development of affordable rental housing to solve the housing difficulties of new citizens and young people. Third, we must take decisive measures to implement the two-way adjustment of supply and demand, regulate market order, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Provincial governments should strengthen supervision and guidance, and urge cities to fulfill their main responsibilities.

Five cities stated that they will resolutely implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, earnestly take up the main responsibilities of cities, strengthen market monitoring and supervision, and promptly adopt targeted measures to ensure the realization of stable land prices, house prices, and expectations.

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