Longyuan Group donated one million yuan to help the post-disaster reconstruction of Changyuan, Henan



On July 30, Longyuan Group donated 1 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Changyuan City, of which 500,000 yuan was used for emergency relief material procurement, people's safety protection and post-disaster reconstruction work, and 500,000 yuan was specifically used to improve school conditions after the disaster.

Since July 20, the flood situation in Henan has affected the hearts of the people across the country. While the center of public opinion was still concentrated in Zhengzhou, the center of the rainstorm had quietly moved to Xinxiang City, Henan Province. From July 21 to July 22, many towns and villages in Xinxiang City suffered heavy rains and heavy rains. Among them, Changyuan City suffered heavy losses in this torrential rain disaster. Many streets were heavily flooded, farmland was flooded, reservoirs were in danger, and the lives and property of the people were seriously threatened.

After the flood, Longyuan Group has always been concerned about the disaster area and paid close attention to the disaster situation. In order to help Changyuan City to rebuild after the disaster and resume production as soon as possible, Longyuan Zhenyuan Charity Fund decided to donate 1 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Changyuan City.

As a listed company with the purpose of "serving the society", Longyuan Group has never forgotten to take responsibility and give back to the society while developing and growing. In the face of sudden disasters, Longyuan Group has stepped forward many times, voluntarily organized donations, voluntary services and other actions to actively participate in earthquake relief, flood relief, and the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

The heavy rain is ruthless and people are affectionate. Next, Longyuan will continue to pay close attention to the development of flood conditions and social needs, continue to stick to the original aspiration, give back to the society with tangible actions, and carry forward positive energy!

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