Hunan Province Forms Green Construction "Think Tank"


The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hunan Province recently issued a clear notice to establish the Hunan Provincial Green Construction Expert Committee to provide solutions to major strategic and common technical problems in the field of green construction.

It is understood that the high-standard "think tank" of green construction established this time includes 17 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 21 foreign experts and 74 domestic experts. The aim of this move is to take the construction of a pilot province for green construction as the starting point and to build several landmark projects through technical support and research on pilot projects, and to summarize and form an innovation system for green construction. By guiding and supporting the construction of relevant innovation platforms, a long-term innovation development mechanism for green construction will be formed; leading and supporting Hunan Province's gradual construction into a leading domestic and internationally influential green construction technology innovation center and a green construction industry center.

Hunan Province has clarified that 9 projects including the reconstruction and expansion project of Changsha Airport are the first batch of green construction pilot projects in the province, and that Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan are the first batch of green construction pilot cities in the province. It is planned that by the end of 2023, a green construction innovation system including policy, management, technology, evaluation, talent and market systems that can be replicated and promoted will be formed, and a long-term development mechanism will be initially formed to provide a "Hunan model" for national green construction work.

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