Ci Country, Handan City, Hebei Province, held the signing ceremony of the green prefabricated intelligent manufacturing project


On the morning of July 28, the signing ceremony of the green prefabricated intelligent manufacturing project in Ci County was held in the county government conference room. County Party Secretary Chen Zhenli, County Mayor Yan Xinxin, County Leaders Niu Jianying, Li Xiaoliang and Wang Wei, Deputy General Manager Zhou Yuenian of Anhui Honglu Group Co., Ltd., and Xue Zhi, Chairman of Tiancheng Zhiyuan Co., Ltd. attended the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Niu Jianying, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Mayor, and Cai Chongshan, general manager of Henan Tianchenghong Road Green Building Industry Co., Ltd., signed a cooperation agreement. The signing of the project will help Ci Country save resources and energy, reduce construction pollution, improve labor production efficiency and quality and safety, cultivate new industries and new drivers, promote the deep integration of Ci Country's construction industry and informatization industrialization, and further transform the development mode of urban and rural construction. 

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