Jiangsu Province will renovate 1,130 old communities this year, the operating rate has reached 91.8%



In 2021, the Jiangsu Provincial Government clearly proposed that 1,130 old communities will be renovated, and the amount of renovation tasks will be more than twice that of last year. The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province has successively issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Urban Areas in 2021" and the "Notice on Effectively Doing a Good Job in the Reconstruction of Old Communities in Urban Areas." All localities are required to accelerate the implementation of the project to ensure that the work is done well.

According to Zhou Lan, director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province, as of the end of June this year, the 1,130 old communities included in the national and provincial government's renovation plan have entered the construction of 1,037, with an operating rate of 91.8%. The remaining 93 communities are carrying out preliminary work in an orderly manner. Since the beginning of this year, the whole province has carried out the installation of 1,734 elevators, of which 206 have been completed and put into use, 463 are under construction, and the remaining 1065 are in the process of mass work and formalities.

In the next step, Jiangsu Province will focus on promoting the following tasks:

Strengthen work guidance, promote the completion of the preliminary preparations such as the determination of the rectification plan, the agreement of the owners, and the application for approval of the relevant procedures while promoting the prevention and control of the epidemic and safe production, and promote the start of the projects that have not yet started as soon as possible. The implementation of the projects that have already started is accelerated, and the acceptance of completed projects is organized as soon as possible to ensure that the transformation tasks are completed with high quality before the end of the year.

Carry out the "Create a beautiful environment and a happy life together" activity, fully respect the wishes of residents, give full play to the role of party organizations, build a communication platform, and prioritize communities with strong residents' willingness to transform and high participation of the people into the next year's renovation project library. Actively guide residents to share relevant renovation costs through direct capital contribution, use (repayment, renewal) of special residential maintenance funds, withdrawal of housing accumulation funds, and transfer of community public benefits, and support the renovation through donations and materials, investment in work and labor.

In view of the high proportion of elderly people living in old communities, Jiangsu Province has stepped up efforts to promote the installation of elevators in existing multi-storey houses and the construction of barrier-free facilities as an important part of the transformation of old communities. Especially for old communities that have reached a consensus, increase support and give priority to include them in the renovation project library. Focus on the installation of elevators, comprehensively improve the level of infrastructure such as water, electricity, and information in old communities, and actively use idle land and houses to build community elderly care, nursery, medical and other service facilities.

Incorporate the construction of a long-term management mechanism after the transformation into the scope of the formulation of the transformation plan, achieve simultaneous planning and simultaneous implementation, and actively promote the full coverage of property service management. In accordance with the principles of government guidance, owner-led and "bottom line protection", market-oriented, professional and standardized property management shall be introduced to guide community owners to choose property management independently based on community grassroots governance. Encourage local governments to provide basic property services based on local conditions to ensure long-term and effective maintenance of the results of renovation and renovation.

Promote the establishment of a mechanism for the government and social forces to reasonably share reform funds, attract social forces to participate in the transformation and operation and management of old communities, and promote the transformation of enterprises from a "one-time high profit" to a "long-term sustainable low profit" business model. Innovate project operation methods, and achieve fund balance and optimal allocation of space resources by means of "compensating for abundance", such as overall planning of large areas or bundling of adjacent projects.

Promote the establishment of joint offices or special work classes with multi-department participation in various regions, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, and effectively solve the difficult problems in the renovation and upgrading of power, communications, and cable TV pipelines in the renovation of old communities. Combined with the reform of the approval system for construction projects, a rapid approval process will be established to effectively simplify the approval procedures for the approval, land use, planning, and construction of the old community renovation project. For projects that do not involve changes in the main structure of the building, encourage the adoption of the "list system + notification and commitment system", accelerate the transformation of old communities, and strive to improve the level of transformation work in various regions.

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