Gansu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized a provincial prefabricated construction work conference


In order to implement the new development concept, promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional construction industry, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of prefabricated buildings in Gansu Province, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized a provincial prefabricated building work conference in Lanzhou on July 27. Comrade Ma Yugong, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Each city (prefecture) Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, Lanzhou New District Urban Transportation Bureau prefabricated construction work leaders, business department heads and staff attended the meeting.

The meeting notified the development of prefabricated construction work in each city (prefecture); the housing construction bureau of each city (prefecture) reported on the development of prefabricated construction work and the completion of the target, and the next work arrangement. Comrade Ma Yugong, Deputy Director-General, made arrangements for the next step of the province's prefabricated construction work.

Comrade Ma Yugong pointed out that in recent years, under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, focusing on accelerating the supply-side structural reform, Gansu Province takes the transformation of construction methods as the starting point, prefabricated buildings as the starting point, steel structure housing as the breakthrough point, industrial base construction as the support point, and project construction as the end point. Constantly explore and improve the ideas and connotations of the transformation and upgrading of Gansu's construction industry, and have done a certain amount of work in the development of prefabricated buildings. But realistically speaking, the prefabricated buildings in Gansu Province are still in the early stage of development, and the enthusiasm for the development of prefabricated buildings in various regions is not high, and there is a lack of mandatory policies and incentive policies on which they are promoted in a certain range. It has not been implemented on specific projects, and the promotion efforts need to be strengthened urgently.

Comrade Ma Yugong emphasized that in the next step, the housing and construction departments of the cities and prefectures should actively seek support from the local government, and coordinate the local development and reform, finance, land and resources, industry and information technology, transportation, commerce, taxation, finance and other departments. Establish a whole-process supervision system for prefabricated building planning, land transfer, project approval, design, drawing review, construction, and acceptance, and effectively implement prefabricated building work. It is necessary to further refine the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Provincial Government on the Vigorous Development of Prefabricated Buildings." Combined with local actual conditions, the government is required to issue support policies for fiscal fund awards, land use guarantees, floor area ratio awards, priority for pre-sale permits, sales prices, tax concessions, and special funds for scientific research to ensure the smooth progress of prefabricated construction projects. At the same time, further increase the publicity and science popularization of the development of prefabricated buildings, widely publicize the social benefits brought by the promotion of prefabricated buildings, improve the awareness and recognition of prefabricated buildings in society, and create a good social atmosphere for the promotion of prefabricated buildings.

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