Investing 290 million yuan, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province will renovate 201 old communities this year


To promote the organic renewal of cities and improve the quality of life of residents, it is imperative to transform and upgrade old communities. On July 21, the reporter learned from the Neijiang Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau that this year, the city’s central government subsidized support for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns to start construction on 201 sites. 643 houses are involved, 20,627 households are involved, and the estimated investment is 29.558 million yuan. Up to now, the city's old community renovation projects have entered the construction of 103 projects, with an operating rate of 51.2%, involving 8,591 households.

It is understood that in 2020, relying on central subsidies to support the urban old community reconstruction plan, a total of 94 old communities in Neijiang City will start construction, involving 560 houses and 20,275 households, with an estimated investment of 214.3 million yuan. As of the end of May this year, 74 communities have been completed, with a completion rate of 76%, involving 13,635 households, and a cumulative investment of 183.98 million yuan.

After the completion of the project, it is estimated that 1.947 million square meters of residential areas can be renovated, more than 1,000 infrastructure facilities will be improved, and nearly 700 dangerous places will be renovated. Increased 1,412 parking spaces, 35 electric bicycles and car charging facilities, and added 12 cultural and recreational, sports and fitness facilities, covering an area of approximately 6,000 square meters.

In accordance with the principle of “no reduction in standards for basic renovation, perfect renovation in place, and improvement on the ability” principle, Neijiang City will conduct a full-coverage survey on the renovation of old communities in 2020. The preparation of the special transformation plan for the "14th Five-Year" old community was carried out.

According to the survey data, combined with the results of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the renovation of old communities, the city plans to renovate 957 old communities during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. It involves more than 116,000 residents, 4093 houses, and a construction area of 9.9909 million square meters. The estimated investment is about 3.045 billion yuan.

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