Chengde County, Chengde City, Hebei Province: Old communities must be managed if they are reformed, and management must be combined with reforms


Chengde County, Chengde City, actively promotes the transformation of old communities as an important part of "I do practical things for the masses". In order to do good things well, do practical things, and truly satisfy the masses, the Chengde County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau explored an old community reconstruction mechanism in the process of "reforms must be managed, and reforms must be combined". Realizing this work into a benefiting project and a relief project has been unanimously recognized by the residents.


Optimize the plan and implement it reasonably. According to the actual situation of each old community and the wishes of the masses, a special transformation plan is formulated. Conduct questionnaire surveys at a ratio of not less than 80% of the actual number of households in the community, fully solicit the wishes of the residents, and ensure the residents' "rights to know, participate, choose, and supervise" in the transformation. The community to be renovated needs to establish an owner committee or elect a representative of the owners of the community to participate in the whole process of community reconstruction. At present, in the 18 old communities that are being renovated, each community has 5-7 owners' representatives participating in the whole process of community reconstruction.

Highlight key points and respond to needs. Taking the improvement of the municipal supporting facilities in the old community as the starting point, based on the preliminary questionnaire, conforming to the expectations of the masses, focusing on solving the urgent problems reported by the masses that seriously affect the residential safety and residential functions. In accordance with the principle of upholding the dominant position of the masses, serving the needs of the masses, and satisfying the willingness of the masses to renovate, the building itself and the environment in the community will be renovated and upgraded. At present, the reconstruction of the Yangshulin New District, the Material Red Building, the residential building of the cement plant, the family building of the county government (Zhuyuan Road), the county's sugar and wine, food, and the urban residential building has been basically completed, and a total of about 60,000 square meters of roads have been renovated. Renovate more than 1,800 meters of old pipe network, implement greening of 15,000 square meters, increase more than 400 parking spaces, build 6 community parking sheds, increase more than 30 community charging piles, install more than 40 street lights, and video surveillance was installed in all communities.

There are changes and management, and the combination of changes and management. Actively explore the follow-up management mechanism for the renovation of the old community of “reforms must be managed, and the property must be in place”. In the bidding process, the construction unit and the property enterprise are required to form a consortium to bid. Or require the construction unit to have the ability of property services to enter the site at the same time, participate in the property services and the construction of the project at the same time, and regulate the management at the same time, and at the same time solve the problems raised by the owners during the renovation process. Set up an owner management committee, and the property service company signs a service contract with the approval of the owner committee. Project fund payment is linked to property services. After the renovation project is completed, a portion of the funds will be reserved, and the reserved funds will be paid in three years while ensuring that the property services are in place. It has realized "careful planning before the reform, full participation during the reform, and standardized management after the reform" to ensure the standardized management of properties in the renovated old community, and effectively improve the living environment and quality of residents.

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