Build a "green future"! In the first half of the year, Hefei City, Anhui's new prefabricated building area increased by 70% year-on-year


On July 21, the Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau held a summary and on-site observation meeting for the quality management of prefabricated construction parts in the first half of 2021. A comprehensive summary of the development of Hefei prefabricated construction parts and components in the first half of 2021, and arrangements for the deployment of the second half of the year. Leading the city's prefabricated construction production enterprises to standardize, informatize, and standardized production by observing outstanding enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of Hefei prefabricated buildings.

Participants observed the information management system of Anhui Construction Engineering Beicheng Industrial Co., Ltd., innovative technology display area, intelligent production line, standardized process flow, and green chemical factory. And communicated with enterprises on layout planning, intelligent application, quality standardization, green production control and other aspects.

Development status

In the first half of this year, Hefei started construction of 3,777,800 square meters of prefabricated buildings, accounting for 18.59% of newly built buildings, and the area of newly built prefabricated buildings increased by more than 70% year-on-year.

At present, the largest-span prefabricated steel structure exhibition building in China-Hefei Binhu International Convention and Exhibition Center Phase II

Lakeside new prefabricated residential district

At present, there are 13 companies in the catalogue of prefabricated construction parts production in Hefei City.

Among them, there are 9 companies in the catalogue of concrete parts and components, 52 production lines and fixed formwork production lines, and 1 intelligent segment production line, with an annual production capacity of 2.12 million m³. In the first half of 2021, the cumulative production volume was 125,100 m³, and the supply volume was 114,100 m³;

There are 4 prefabricated building steel structure production catalog companies, 392 production lines, and an annual production capacity of 2.15 million tons. The annual design capacity of cold-formed thin-wall steel composite wall panels for rural low-rise prefabricated buildings is 550,000 square meters. In the first half of 2021, the cumulative production and supply of steel structural components is 8,3946.8 tons; the production and supply of cold-formed thin-walled steel composite wall panels is 100,000 square meters.

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