Yudu County, Jiangxi Province vigorously develops steel structure prefabricated buildings, and industrial transformation and upgrading have achieved tangible results



In order to accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings and promote green construction, on July 22, the second national prefabricated steel structure development seminar will be held in Yudu Country.

In December 2020, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Natural Resources jointly issued a document requiring public buildings to adopt prefabricated construction methods in principle. In Jiangxi's newly issued "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Prefabricated Buildings in the Province", measures were introduced in 12 aspects, including strengthening land use planning and control, improving industrial development levels, improving bidding and cost management, and expanding market demand. According to this opinion, by 2022, the proportion of newly started area of prefabricated construction in Jiangxi Province to the total area of new construction will not be less than 30%, and it will increase year by year. By 2025, this proportion will reach 40%.

Under the guidance of policies, in recent years, Yudu County has closely followed the concepts of economy, applicability, safety, greenness and beauty, vigorously promoted prefabricated buildings, and continuously promoted the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and achieved practical results. Especially for the construction of steel structure prefabricated houses, Yudu County is in the forefront of the city and the province. Up to now, the cumulative construction of prefabricated buildings in Yudu County has reached 2.68 million square meters, including 760,000 square meters of steel structure prefabricated residential buildings.

In order to actively establish a model of the prefabricated construction industry, Yudu County introduced Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. in 2016 to build a steel structure prefabricated construction industrial base in Luo'ao Industrial Park. With a total investment of 350 million yuan, the first phase of plant construction will be completed and put into production at the end of 2017. Up to now, Hangxiao Steel Structure (Yudu) Co., Ltd. has produced 65,000 tons of fabricated steel components annually. In November 2020, the base successfully declared the first batch of provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases.

Prefabricated buildings have short construction period, strong stability, and low construction pollution, which are the development trend of modern buildings. Since 2017, Yudu County has required the use of prefabricated buildings when setting planning and design conditions for part of the land transfer. It is reported that Yudu County will widely promote steel structure prefabricated buildings in future land transfers. This move will effectively expand the “grounding roots” of steel structure prefabricated buildings, continuously improve the quality and level of the development of prefabricated buildings in Yudu County, and “add new bricks and tiles” to the construction of the national prefabricated building model city in Yudu County.

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