All 312 old community renovation projects in Hengshui City, Hebei Province this year started


Recently, the reporter learned at a press conference held by the Information Office of the Hengshui Municipal Government that since the beginning of this year, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hengshui City has focused on hot and difficult issues in people's livelihood, and vigorously promoted three key livelihood projects, namely, shantytown reconstruction, old community reconstruction, and urban village reconstruction, to enhance people's sense of gain and happiness.

In accordance with the requirements of "Hengshui City's Comprehensive Promotion of Urban Old Community Reconstruction Work Plan", the city strictly implements the main responsibility for the renovation of old communities, establishes a regular consultation mechanism, and implements inventory management to ensure that the renovation tasks are completed on time and quality. Incorporate residents' "most concerned, most direct, and most realistic" demands into the transformation content, prioritize the transformation of content that residents reflect strongly and affect residents' daily lives, make all necessary changes to the basic transformation content, and scientifically formulate a transformation plan. The target task of the city’s old community renovation project this year is to complete the renovation of 312 old communities, involving 925 buildings, 29,700 residents, and a total of 3.17 million square meters. Up to now, all 312 old community renovation projects have started.

At the same time, the city formulated the "Work Plan for Shantytown Reconstruction Project in 2021", which clarified the work objectives, main tasks, and time nodes, and vigorously promoted the smooth implementation of the city's shantytown renovation project. At present, the city's shantytown renovation project has started 9 projects with 2,579 resettlement houses. Adhere to government-led and market-oriented operation, and steadily promote the transformation of urban villages. This year, the city's urban village transformation task is to launch 38 projects within the year. At present, 17 urban village transformation projects have been launched.

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