Promote school-enterprise cooperation, Wuhan Vocational and Technical College visited the prefabricated building component factory


On July 10th, all the teachers of the School of Architecture and Engineering of Wuhan Vocational and Technical College, relevant persons in charge of Zhongshentong Construction Technology (Hubei) Co., Ltd., and Hubei Tiangong Architectural Design Co., Ltd. visited Hongtai Baoye PC factory and China State Construction Yipin Hongtai·Yuejiang Mansion Project.

Visit at Hongtai Baoye Jiangxia Base

Hongtai Baoye Wuhan PC Intelligent Manufacturing Base, located in Jiangxia, Wuhan, covers an area of 146 acres and has a total construction area of 95,170 square meters. It is a mixed reform pilot project created by Hongtai Urban Development Company and Zhejiang Baoye Group. The annual production capacity is 45,000 cubic meters and the daily output reaches 150 cubic meters.

China State Construction Yipin Hongtai·Yuejiang Mansion Project is the pioneering work of China State Construction Yipin’s high-end government products. It is located at the intersection of Baishazhou Avenue and Baisha 4th Road in Wuhan, on the new second ring road of Wuchang, with a total area of about 170 acres. The planned total construction area is 52,4746.8 square meters, and the comprehensive floor area ratio is 3.47. It is the first prefabricated large-city community in Hongshan District.

Observation at China State Construction Yipin Hongtai·Yuejiang Mansion Project

The observers visited the component factory and project site, and learned about the application of fabricated technology in the project. The two parties expressed that they will seek suitable opportunities to promote in-depth cooperation between colleges and enterprises, implement assembly-style technology learning into daily university subjects, and enhance graduates' practical ability.

It is understood that in Wuhan Vocational and Technical College, the major of construction engineering technology is a national-level backbone major, with a construction training base of more than 5,000 square meters. It is the first batch of provincial-level training bases in Hubei Province. This observation is also to lay the foundation for the later school-enterprise cooperation.

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