The passive ultra-low energy consumption building area reaches 1.006 million square meters in Baoding City, Hebei Province


A few days ago, it was learned from the passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry development summit forum organized by Baoding Housing and Construction Bureau that currently, the city has constructed a passive ultra-low energy building area of 1.06 million square meters, ranking second in the province.

According to reports, in recent years, Baoding City has successively introduced a number of policies such as the implementation plan for improving residential building energy efficiency standards and special plans for green buildings to promote the high-quality development of the passive ultra-low energy building industry. In 2020, Baoding City has overfulfilled the provincial-designated new passive ultra-low energy consumption building area of 80,000 square meters, reaching a total of 860,000 square meters.

In 2021, the city will continue to build a new passive ultra-low energy consumption building area of 200,000 square meters. The city will start from the supply side and the demand side, and promote the leapfrog development of the passive ultra-low energy building industry through innovative incentive policies, expansion of construction scale, and opening of sales markets.

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