Hebei Province organizes the declaration of three-star green building signs



Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province issued a notice requiring all relevant departments across the province to organize the declaration of three-star green building labels as required.

The notice clearly stated that the three-star green building label shall be voluntarily declared by the project construction unit, operating unit or owner unit. Except for special circumstances, the reporting unit can declare at any time. The applying unit shall register and log in to the Green Building Sign Management Information System (URL: http://lsjz.jzjn.mohurd.gov.cn) to declare, and the "Green Building Sign Management Information System User Operation Manual" can be downloaded in the system.

Three-star green building projects in Hebei Province are recommended to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will conduct a preliminary review of the declared project, mainly reviewing the following contents: 1. Whether the application unit and project meet the application requirements specified in the "Green Building Label Management Measures"; 2. Whether the application project meets the national and local basic construction procedures; 3. Whether the declared project has intellectual property disputes and whether there is a dispute over the ownership of the project results; 4. Whether the declared project has experienced a major quality and safety accident; 5. Whether the declared project complies with the relevant national and local green building policies and regulations; 6. Whether the application materials are complete, complete and valid.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will accept and review the projects recommended by the provincial housing and urban-rural development departments, organize experts in batches to carry out the review work, and publicize and announce the review results to the public.

It is reported that green buildings refer to high-quality buildings that save resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, provide people with healthy, applicable, and efficient use of space during the entire life cycle, and maximize the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. At present, my country's green building evaluation grades are divided into three-star, two-star, one-star and basic grades from high to low. In the first half of this year, the total green building area completed in cities and towns in our province was 19.1741 million square meters, accounting for 99.07% of the newly built building area. Among them, green buildings in Qinhuangdao, Langfang, Cangzhou, Xingtai, Handan, and Xinji accounted for 100%.

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