Shanxi Province Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology Application Pilot Expansion to Promote the Intelligentization of the Construction Industry Chain


Shanxi promoted the application of building information modeling (hereinafter referred to as "BIM") technology, further expanded the scope of pilot enterprises, and added 32 pilot enterprises.

On July 14, the reporter learned from the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Shanxi Province that the province included 32 of the backbone construction enterprises with first-level qualifications for general contracting of housing construction projects or municipal public engineering construction into the scope of pilot enterprises for the application of BIM technology. The newly-added pilot enterprises must select at least 3 projects to carry out BIM technology application this year.

BIM technology integrates all relevant information of construction projects, including information about the entire life cycle of a building. Its application can save resources and improve the quality of construction projects, work efficiency, and investment benefits, promote the transformation of production methods in the construction field, and promote the intelligentization of the construction industry chain.

In 2020, Shanxi Province has implemented 267 BIM pilot projects, with application projects covering civil buildings, municipal infrastructure, industrial buildings, roads and bridges, electric power, rail transit and other fields, and on this basis, explore the effective sharing and intelligent application of engineering construction data.

At present, Shanxi is promoting the application of BIM technology from point to surface around large public buildings, large residential quarters, prefabricated buildings, urban rail transit and other projects. BIM technology is applied throughout the entire process of Taiyuan City's "Rail Transit Line 2" and other projects.

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