Cultivate prefabricated talents of "Great Power Craftsmen" in the construction industry, help the Skills China Action


Skilled talents are an important foundation for supporting Made in China and Created in China, and play an important role in promoting high-quality economic and social development. In order to vigorously cultivate high-skilled talents, skilled craftsmen, and artisans from large countries, and drive the formation of a large-scale, reasonable structure, superb skills, excellent quality, and basically meet the needs of my country's economic and social high-quality development, recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Issued the "Skills China Action" Implementation Plan, and decided to organize and implement the Skills China Action during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

In recent years, the state's emphasis on vocational skills education has been continuously increasing, and vigorously cultivating applied technical talents and improving the comprehensive level of employees are becoming the core of the development of vocational skills training in our country. The "Occupational Skills Upgrading Action Plan (20192021)" document made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council pointed out that as a key measure to maintain employment stability and alleviate structural employment contradictions, the vocational skills upgrading action is to promote my country's economic transformation, upgrading and high-quality development. Important support. Vigorously promote the lifelong vocational skills training system, carry out vocational skills training on a large scale, and accelerate the construction of an army of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative workers.

Since the reform and opening up, my country's construction industrialization process has been accelerating. The State Council formally proposed the development goal of prefabricated buildings in 2016. The operation mode of the construction industry is about to evolve into industrialized integrated construction. The 2016 "Building Industry Modernization Development Outline" specifically pointed out: By 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings will reach 20%; by 2025, the proportion will reach more than 50%. On July 23, 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and 13 other departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization", proposing to vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. Keeping up with the development trend of the industry, traditional industries must be transformed and upgraded if they want to develop. The prefabricated construction industry, which is characterized by industrialization and intelligentization of buildings, has continued to rise with the advent of the "new infrastructure" era. At the same time, the national policy strongly supports the development of prefabricated buildings into the "fast lane".

The modernized economic development level and technological development level of the construction industry have been improved, and the prefabricated technology has been initially realized in the implementation of major projects. As the "China Speed" Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals rise in a short period of time, the value brought by fabricated technology has received more and more widespread recognition, and it also means that the overall development of the assembly industry will also face more difficult tests. Especially small and medium-sized construction companies that lack understanding of prefabricated professional skills and have no relevant talent reserves are about to be integrated and eliminated.

Facing market demand, we now need high-skilled assembly-type compound talents who understand technology, know how to construct, and manage well. However, at present, there are certain differences between traditional talent cultivation methods and teaching methods and market demand, which severely restricts the development of the construction field, causing the problem of low skill levels of some practitioners to become increasingly prominent. With the current situation and challenges facing vocational skills cultivation, the urgency of vocational skills upgrading is more prominent under the background of the superposition of the contradiction between the total number of professional technical personnel in the construction industry and the structural contradictions.

It is understood that prefabricated engineers refer to technicians engaged in key positions in the general contracting and construction management of prefabricated construction projects. Talents who are engaged in assembly-type professional technology in all aspects of construction project approval, planning, design, drawing review, construction, supervision, inspection, completion acceptance, approval of sales, maintenance, and use. Assembled engineers are compound type assembly personnel with high comprehensive quality who understand both management and technology. They must have both theoretical level and rich technical practical experience. The training direction of prefabricated engineers is mainly to train skilled personnel engaged in the prefabricated construction industry, that is, the complete industrial chain skilled personnel for prefabricated building design, production, assembly and other links. Change "engineering construction type" to "manufacturing and construction management type", and change "rough billet type" to "finished product type".

In the advancement and development of the industrialization of new buildings, professional and technical workers are an important foundation for supporting Chinese construction, Chinese creation, and Chinese intelligent manufacturing. Fabricated engineers, with their unique technical pertinence and integration, will be active in Chinese construction in the future. The foremost in-demand professional and technical personnel in the field and the "Great Power Craftsman" in the new era. The prefabricated engineer training plan helps promote the implementation of the Skills China Initiative, adhere to the principles of party management of talents, service development, reform and innovation, and demand-oriented, and improve the training, use, evaluation, and incentive systems of skilled talents. Focus on strengthening the foundation, optimizing the structure, expanding scale, improving quality, building mechanisms, increasing vitality, and building skilled provinces and cities, in order to vigorously implement the talent-powered country and innovation-driven development strategy, and build a manufacturing country, a quality country, and a skills China. Build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and provide a solid guarantee of skilled personnel.

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