Langya District, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province: "Four Steps" to Promote Prefabricated Buildings


The prefabricated building is based on the prefabricated production of the component factory and the on-site assembly installation as the model, standardized design, factory production, and assembly construction. It has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, and sustainable development. In recent years, Langya District has actively promoted the development of prefabricated buildings and achieved remarkable results.

Grasp the project implementation. Give full play to the leading role of the government and explore the implementation of prefabricated buildings in the field of affordable housing projects. The second phase of Lingxi Garden and other four affordable housing projects cover an area of 498 acres, and the planned total area of prefabricated buildings is about 630,000 square meters. Encourage the implementation of prefabricated buildings in real estate development projects. Five real estate development projects including the Pearl River·Heyuan and other real estate development projects cover an area of 562.44 acres. The total planned prefabricated building area is about 770,000 square meters, and the single assembly rate has been increased from 15% to 30%.

Build demonstration products. Guide and promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings and the industrialization of new types of buildings, actively encourage and guide enterprises to apply for special fund projects for prefabricated buildings, and give play to the leading role of provincial prefabricated building demonstration projects. The Jinpeng Shanhefu and Shanheli projects were included in the prefabricated building demonstration projects in Anhui Province for 2020 and 2021 respectively, with a total area of about 374,000 square meters, and they received 1.49 million and 3.14 million provincial awards for supplementary funds.

Strengthen quality supervision. Strengthen process supervision, implement the main quality responsibilities of all parties, and ensure the completion and acceptance of the project. For prefabricated construction projects under supervision, construction companies are urged to strengthen construction process control, inspection and testing, etc., and conduct random inspections more than 30 times a year, and strictly investigate and deal with violations of quality and safety laws and regulations. Corresponding to prefabricated construction projects that have not yet been constructed, they shall not be accepted and filed for completion. The prefabricated building area to be completed in 2020 is about 448,500 square meters. The annual prefabricated building area of completed civil buildings in cities and towns accounts for 37.72%, ranking first in the city.

Create an industrial base. Support enterprises in the production of commercial concrete, wall materials, door and window production, and steel production and processing to accelerate technological transformation and transform into manufacturing enterprises of prefabricated building components. Successfully guided Fubon's commercial concrete production enterprises to build a modern prefabricated construction base integrating design, research and development, production, storage and transportation in our district. The designed production capacity of prefabricated concrete components is 800,000 cubic meters, and the designed output value is 120 million yuan. The next step will guide enterprises to apply for the provincial prefabricated construction industry base.

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