Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province held the city's prefabricated construction industry base and demonstration projects on-site observation and exchange activities


In order to solidly promote the construction of the national prefabricated building model city, and further improve the city's advancement of the development of prefabricated buildings, Ganzhou City Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau recently held a citywide prefabricated building industry base and demonstration project site observation and exchange activities in Ganzhou City.

Visit the prefabricated building demonstration project-Jiangnan resettlement housing

The observation and exchange activities are divided into on-site observation and training exchanges. The site visited the prefabricated construction project of relocation and resettlement houses in Jiangnan Prefecture (South District) and the Shuixi prefabricated construction industrial base-Ganzhou Construction Industrialization Co., Ltd.

Visit the exhibition center and production line of Shuixi prefabricated building parts

Afterwards, they conducted training on basic knowledge of prefabricated building design and construction, and discussed and exchanged issues concerning prefabricated building costs, industrial worker training, and prefabricated building project completion acceptance. Everyone said that the form of this observation and exchange activity was novel and rich in content, which improved the understanding of prefabricated buildings, enhanced the awareness of the development of prefabricated buildings, and strengthened the confidence in the development of prefabricated buildings.

Carry out training and exchange activities

Xiao Feng, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Ganzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, and the leaders in charge of the county (district) governments of Yudu, Ningdu, Xingguo, and Rongjiang New District attended the relevant activities. More than 400 people, including the responsible persons of the county (city, district) housing and construction bureaus and relevant units directly under the county, and some relevant personnel of construction, design, construction, and supervision units participated in the event in batches.

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