This year, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has started to transform 1,526 old communities in cities and towns


The reporter learned from the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region: As of now, Xinjiang has started to renovate 1,526 old urban communities this year, benefiting 214,300 residents, and the operating rate has reached 92.6%.

In order to improve the living environment of the masses, this year, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Autonomous Region has made the transformation of old urban communities an important part of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". It is planned to renovate 1,714 old communities in cities and towns, involving 231,500 residents, an increase of 57.2% and 19.7% respectively over the previous year.

The transformation of old communities in cities and towns has concentrated on solving the prominent problems of damaged roads, aging pipe networks, poor water access, insufficient green space, insufficient parking facilities, lack of public activity space, and obsolete building facades, which are strongly reported by the masses, the "shortcomings" of public service facilities in old communities have been made up. After the renovation, the old community has a new look, with more complete functions, a more beautiful environment, and a substantial improvement in the quality of residence.

In order to fully guarantee the quality of the renovation project of old communities in cities and towns, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Autonomous Region has compiled the "Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Reconstruction Projects of Old and Urban Residential Areas in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region" and other standards. Through the combination of government funded subsidies and reasonable sharing by the owners, combined with the renovation project of the old communities in cities and towns, 640 elevators have been installed in existing buildings, which has improved the inconvenience of high-floor residents going up and down, especially creating a good travel environment for the elderly and the disabled.

Excerpt from "Xinjiang Daily"

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