The Seminar on Integrated Design and Construction of Prefabricated Buildings in Hefei, Anhui Province was successfully held



In order to carry out in-depth "big innovation, big industry, big construction, big upgrade" tackling actions, further improve the level of integration of the city's prefabricated buildings, and promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings. On July 9, the city-wide prefabricated building design and construction integration seminar organized by the Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau and undertaken by Shanghai Tianhua Architectural Design Co., Ltd. and the City Green Festival Center was successfully held. The seminar will be held offline and live simultaneously online.

Wang Rong Village, chief engineer of the Municipal Urban and Rural Construction Bureau, responsible person in charge of the Quality Safety Department, the Science and Technology Department, the Industry Office, the Municipal Quality Safety Station, and the Municipal Green Festival Center, more than 30 real estate development companies, more than 20 design companies, prefabricated industrial bases, and county district management leaders in Hefei participated in the seminar offline.


The chief engineer of Wang Rong Village of the Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of this seminar focused on the theme of "Development Status and Path of Prefabricated Buildings in Hefei". Regarding the status and development path of prefabricated development in Hefei, we will realize major innovations through the integration of design and construction, create a large industry of prefabricated buildings with hundreds of billions of dollars, promote large-scale construction in multiple fields and types, and achieve major improvements and other four aspects of substantial advancement. At the same time, in-depth thinking points were put forward for Hefei prefabricated development from eight aspects including EPC general contracting model, BIM technology application, and industrial worker team building for the participants to discuss and practice.

At the meeting, experts from Shanghai Tianhua, Provincial Architectural Design Institute, Hefei Vanke, Anhui Tuss and Anhui Sanjian were invited. Through actual cases and implementation experience of prefabricated building design and construction integration, work exchange and sharing reports on prefabricated building design and project management are carried out. Afterwards, entering the interview session, Chief Engineer Wang Rongcun and the distinguished guests had an in-depth exchange on the key, difficult and painful issues that the participants were concerned about.

This prefabricated building theme seminar was conducted simultaneously online and offline for the first time. Nearly 5,000 people from related units participated in the live broadcast, setting a record for the special theme forum on construction technology in Hefei. At the same time, it also drew a strong stroke for the development of integrated design and construction of prefabricated buildings.

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