Not less than 30%! Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province further promotes the development of prefabricated buildings


In 2021, the newly-started area of prefabricated buildings shall account for no less than 30% of the total area of new buildings, and the assembly rate shall not be less than 30%. From 2022 to 2025, the method of increasing year by year will be adopted, and the proportion of prefabricated building area will be increased by more than 3% and the assembly rate will be increased by more than 3% compared with the previous year. It will do a good job in the national pilot work for the construction of steel structure prefabricated houses, and give priority to the steel structure prefabricated construction method for large public buildings and industrial plants. Every year, there are no less than 2 prefabricated steel structure residential projects in the city, with a construction area of no less than 100,000 square meters, and no less than 1 light steel structure rural house demonstration site. By 2025, more than 10 prefabricated steel structure residential demonstration projects and more than 5 light steel structure rural houses will be built. By 2025, cultivate more than one national prefabricated construction industrial base and more than five provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases.

Twenty major measures have been formulated from three aspects: the prefabricated building department supervision system, the prefabricated building engineering technology system, and the prefabricated building policy support system to promote the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings and promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

Support colleges and vocational schools to set up prefabricated construction, BIM technology and other professional courses, promote prefabricated construction enterprises to carry out school-enterprise cooperation, and innovate talent training models.

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