Jinan City, Shandong Province will build a green building industry cluster covering the entire industry chain in the starting area



The Jinan Municipal Party Committee and Government held a press conference on July 9 to interpret the "Opinions of the Jinan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Accelerating the Construction of Jinan's New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Starting Area". Zhang Qinghua, deputy bureau-level leading cadre of the Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, said at the press conference that the city supports the starting area to adhere to the concept of green and low-carbon construction, featuring green, smart, modern, and livable features. Strive for more national-level green and low-carbon construction pilot demonstration opportunities, and encourage starting areas to use passive ultra-low energy green buildings as the basis to comprehensively promote the construction of green cities with carbon neutrality as the core.

Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will further promote the creation of national and provincial green ecological urban areas and green ecological towns. Promote the large-scale development of high-quality, green, low-carbon, healthy and livable high-quality buildings such as high-star green buildings, high-star healthy buildings, passive ultra-low energy buildings, near-zero energy buildings, and zero-carbon buildings. Carry out demonstration and pilot construction of major projects such as near-zero carbon buildings and carbon-neutral communities. At the same time, the prefabricated building and BIM technology will be used as breakthrough points to build the prefabricated building industrial Internet. Public rental housing, apartments (dormitories), affordable housing, shantytown renovation, hospitals, schools, large-span and large spaces, and public buildings with a single area of more than 5,000 square meters are fully adopted by the steel structure prefabricated construction method in an all-round way.

In terms of promoting green building materials and green construction, green building materials are used in government-invested projects, key projects, municipal public works, green ecological urban areas (towns), and prefabricated buildings, and the application ratio is not less than 60%. The proportion of green building materials used in other projects is not less than 40%. Government-invested or government-invested office buildings, public welfare buildings, and affordable housing are all constructed using green construction methods.

In terms of promoting the energy efficiency improvement of public buildings, encourage social investment in market-oriented operation of building energy management, implement contract energy management models, and support the development of the building energy service industry. Establish a public building energy system operation and adjustment system, and implement professional energy management; regularly publicize the energy consumption per unit area or per capita energy consumption of public buildings, and use it as a basis for carbon emissions analysis and data support for carbon trading.

In terms of accelerating the application of new technologies in the construction field, shorten the time for the promotion and application of new technologies, new products, new processes, and new equipment in the construction field. Comprehensively promote the application of renewable energy in accordance with local conditions, actively promote the integration of BIM and green buildings, and new technologies such as building wall insulation and structural integration; the construction unit has established a BIM-based management platform for the entire process of design, construction, and operation and maintenance. Promote the industrialization, informatization, industrialization, ecological revolution and the conversion of old and new kinetic energy in the construction field.

Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau will also strive to settle in the starting area for national-level conventions and exhibitions, and set a new benchmark for high-end large-scale convention and exhibition centers. Promote the construction of the green building international industrial park, green building international expo park, green building international science city and other park carriers, focus on high-end high-quality industrial projects, accelerate the introduction and cultivation of green low-carbon industries, and create a green building industry cluster covering the entire industrial chain. At the same time, through scientific planning, increasing investment, and strengthening management and control, we will lead the construction and development of sponge cities. Actively use clean energy for heating, and build a number of large-scale green energy supply bases for combined heating, electricity and cooling. Promote the low-carbon layout and digital management of heating and gas pipeline facilities, realize the visualization, remoteness, integration and intelligent supervision of heating and gas pipeline network operation data, and ensure the safety of energy supply.

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