Tianjin city finalizes the key points for renovation and upgrading of old houses



Recently, the Tianjin Municipal Government issued the “Implementation Plan for the Reconstruction and Urban Renewal of Old Houses and Old Residential Districts in Tianjin”, which clarified the key tasks for the renovation and upgrading of old houses in the city.

The plan proposes that Tianjin will carry out complete transformation of non-packaged houses without private bathrooms or kitchens within the urban built-up area, and dangerous houses identified by identification, on the premise of protecting the historical culture and urban features, improve functional facilities and improve the living environment. The renovation and upgrading of old houses can be divided into three methods: protection, reconstruction, and reconstruction. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the central city will strive to basically complete the renovation and upgrading of old houses in the protection category, and fully initiate the renovation and upgrading of old houses in the reconstruction and reconstruction category.

The plan points out that the renovation and upgrading of protected old houses are mainly aimed at the protective buildings determined by relevant laws and regulations such as the "Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages". From the perspective of protecting the urban space texture, actively carry out renovations to improve living conditions and retain the historical memory of the city. Reconstruction is mainly aimed at non-protective buildings with retained value of the building structure. Through adjusting the internal space layout of the house or external expansion, adding independent kitchen and bathroom facilities to achieve complete sets. It can also expand the public space, enhance the comfort of the building, and protect the urban texture and architectural style. Reconstruction is mainly aimed at the demolition and reconstruction of non-protective buildings with no preservation value, such as poor building structure and low safety standards. It can be completed by appropriately increasing the development and construction intensity and increasing the residential building area, or by relocating the original residents to completely improve the living conditions .

From "China Construction News"

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