"Green Technology" is iteratively upgraded, Country Garden becomes the leader of green building



"Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains." With the continuous improvement of economic conditions, people have gradually begun to pursue green development. The country began to attach importance to environmental issues, environmental protection was written into the national strategy, and advocated "carbon reduction", adhere to the concept of green development. On the earth where we live, the abundance and satisfaction of material conditions have gradually begun to expose some problems-ecological destruction, environmental pollution, resource shortage, etc. These issues should also be paid attention to while the economy is developing. People have noticed that environmental damage is reflected in all aspects of life, especially the construction industry has the most worries, which shows that green buildings are beginning to be needed, and it also means that the construction industry must have innovation. While developing the industry's economy, "green technology" must also be incorporated, as the main concept of development, integrated into the company's development, and into the construction industry.

Traditional buildings and assembly generally have problems such as high energy consumption and low efficiency, which have caused certain obstacles to the development of the traditional construction industry, but it is also because of these obstacles that the innovation of the entire construction industry has been promoted. As one of the leaders in the construction industry, in recent years, Country Garden Group has actively explored the application of new technologies such as construction robots in the field of engineering construction, and promoted the integration and development of green construction and new technologies.

In response to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction in the construction industry, Country Garden actively innovated and carried out construction process transformation, and has played a leading role in this regard. Country Garden Architecture has obtained green building certification many times. As of the end of 2019, Country Garden has obtained the national green building certification with a total area of 199.59 million square meters and a total of 872 national green building certifications. A total area of 1.04 million square meters has been obtained LEED certification from the United States, and the cumulative number of LEED certifications obtained from the United States is 8. In addition, it also includes a German PHI Passive House certification project. These are the results of Country Garden's continuous iterative upgrade of "green technology". Country Garden has made a lot of efforts in green buildings, and it has also played a good role as a model leader, inspiring other companies in the construction industry to make further improvements in building energy conservation and emission reduction.

Not only that, but Country Garden Architecture is also achieving environmentally sustainable development in terms of green buildings, green construction, green operations, and green offices. In terms of green buildings, 120 green building certification projects, 3 US LEED certification projects and 110 sponge city projects were built in 2019 alone. In terms of green construction, a variety of green environmental protection measures have been adopted; at the green operation level, the green operation model has been fully implemented in various business operations such as hotel operations, Bijou services, and restaurant operations. At the green office level, the Country Garden Headquarters Building is the first largest ecological office building in China. Using green ecology as the design concept, a green and energy-saving ecological office building is created, and the average energy consumption can be reduced by 20%. To promote the sustainable development of the green ecology of the human settlement environment in my country, and to meet the people's needs for a better life, continue to contribute.

Interior view of Country Garden Headquarters Building

In early 2021, Yinchuan Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan on Promoting the Full Decoration of Newly-built Residential Buildings in Yinchuan (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)". The plan proposes that starting from 2021, the city will implement a pilot project for the full renovation of new residential buildings, and the completed area of newly built residential projects within the scope of the city's implementation will account for no less than 60% of the project's construction area. Since then, in accordance with the principle of steadily advancing year by year, by 2025, we will strive to achieve 100% full decoration. The formulation of this plan is intended to comprehensively improve the overall quality of housing construction in Yinchuan City, promote the development of building industrialization, reduce construction waste and secondary decoration pollution, and promote the development of high-quality urban construction.

Country Garden's Ningxia area first entered Yinchuan in 2017. It has crafted 12 projects in Yinchuan, Wuzhong, Zhongwei, Guyuan and other cities. All decoration and construction have been delivered, and the owner can move in with bags. From design to material selection, to construction, and finally to acceptance and delivery, every link has strict operating procedures and specifications to strictly control the quality of decoration and allow owners to move in with peace of mind. It not only solves the problem of the decoration of new houses, but also reduces the generation of garbage from the source. The recycling, sorting, and fixed-point placement of a small amount of garbage also minimizes the damage to the environment. At present, more than 10,000 homeowners in Ningxia have chosen to live and work in Country Garden, bringing a modern urban appearance to the local area.

A model room of a project in Country Garden

Green building is an important manifestation of the sustainable development of the real estate industry, and it is also an important support for the pursuit of a beautiful life with clear waters and green banks in the new era. Creating green buildings not only makes Country Garden a “green model” in the real estate industry, it is also an inherent requirement of the company's own sustainable development strategy. It is reported that in the future, Country Garden Architecture will create more mature and effective green buildings in an informatized and intelligent way, with "black technology" plus "green technology" to create a brand new living environment.

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