New career, new vitality丨Assembly construction worker: build a house by building blocks


[New professional business card] Prefabricated construction workers refer to those who are engaged in construction and installation, schedule control, and project site coordination during the construction of prefabricated buildings.

[Practitioner's Representative] Wang Peng, technical leader of Midea Liancheng Capital Project in Xiangtan Economic Development Zone, has been in business for 9 years.

Speaking of construction sites, many people still have the impression of building walls, mixing cement, dust and noise. However, with the continuous promotion of prefabricated buildings, this situation has changed a lot. A few days ago, we walked into the construction site of the Midea Liancheng Capital Project in Xiangtan Economic Development Zone to experience the new changes brought about by prefabricated construction.

From on-site construction to on-site assembly

On the 13th floor of a building under construction, the ground has been paved, and more than 20 workers are busy tying steel bars and laying water and electricity pipelines. Blocks of cement panels are like building blocks, distributed in different areas. Observing carefully, we found that each panel is marked with a number.

"This is a laminated board, a finished product produced by the manufacturer in accordance with the design requirements of the project. We can directly hoist it." Wang Peng, the person in charge of the project technology, told us that currently the ground and stairs of the project use fabricated technology. The biggest advantage is that it is convenient, fast, and green.

Wang Peng introduced that according to traditional construction methods, paving the ground needs to be modeled before mixing and pouring the concrete. During this period, a lot of noise and dust will be generated, a lot of wood formwork will be consumed, construction materials will be wasted, and there will be problems such as high labor intensity, low production efficiency, and long construction time. The construction of prefabricated buildings is prefabricated in the factory, and workers only need to perform standardized operations according to digital arrangement, which improves work efficiency, reduces material consumption, and reduces environmental pollution.

At the construction site, we also saw that compared to the traditional construction site, the ground here is cleaner and cleaner, with almost no waste such as sawdust and cement slag. The prefabricated parts in prefabricated buildings are processed by advanced production methods, and the precision is extremely high. Therefore, the technical requirements for on-site assembly are also very high.

"The connection between the component and the component, the connection between the component and the cast-in-place structure, must be zero error." Wang Peng said, this puts forward higher requirements for the construction personnel's technology. In order to ensure safe and efficient construction, they often speed up the learning and mastery of new technologies and knowledge through regular meetings, networks or on-site communication.

From migrant workers to industrial workers

After graduating from Changsha University of Science and Technology Transportation and Civil Engineering, Wang Peng plunged into the construction site. Although he has been in charge of project design and management, he doesn't need to work hard, but he sees the hardship and tiredness of construction workers. “Young people think that this job is too bitter, tiring, and dirty, and they are unwilling to do it. Most of those working on construction sites are older migrant workers. The problem of aging workers is more prominent.” Wang Peng said.

When he first came into contact with prefabricated buildings, Wang Peng was shocked. Can the house be built? He keenly felt that this will become the development trend of the construction industry. This new technology made Wang Peng very excited. As soon as he was free, he consulted the masters and consulted the information for self-study. After years of study and precipitation, he has gained a wealth of practical experience.

"Traditional building construction requires craftsmanship, such as carpentry and mason, etc., while prefabricated construction requires operation skills. It is easier to learn and you can get started quickly." Wang Peng introduced that prefabricated construction has not only greatly improved the construction environment, but also reduced the labor intensity of workers and increased their income. It will attract more young people to join the construction industry, and migrant workers will inevitably turn into industrial workers.

In recent years, Xiangtan City has vigorously promoted the development of prefabricated buildings and issued relevant implementation opinions. In 2020, 2,477,400 square meters of prefabricated buildings will be newly built in the downtown area, accounting for 51.1% of the newly built buildings. With the rapid development of assembly technology, the demand for related professionals has become more prominent.

Wang Peng believes that the development of any industry is inseparable from the construction of a talent team. The release of the new profession of prefabricated construction workers is to adapt to the development of the prefabricated construction industry. Only by cultivating a group of high-quality talents, prefabricated buildings will win better and faster development.

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