The preparation of the association standard "Green Construction Evaluation Standard for Prefabricated Buildings" officially started


The preparation of the association standard "Green Construction Evaluation Standard for Prefabricated Buildings" officially started

On August 7, 2020, the China Engineering Construction Standardization Association standard "Green Construction Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings", edited by the China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd., was established and the first working meeting was successfully held in Beijing.

The preparation of the association standard "Green Construction Evaluation Standard for Prefabricated Buildings" officially started

Zhang Chi, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Engineering Construction Standardization Association, Wu Zhen, Director of the Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Sun Jianchao, Deputy Dean of the Design Institute of the China Academy of Building Research Co., Ltd., Director of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Technology Promotion Center and more than 30 people including Zhao Xiaomin, Zhang Miao, director of the Science and Technology Standards Department of China Construction Research Institute, and members of the compilation team attended the meeting. The meeting was held in a combination of offline and online.

The meeting was presided over by Zhao Yange, deputy dean of the First Design Institute of Architectural Design Institute of China Construction Research Institute. Zhang Chi introduced the association's standardization work and development prospects during the epidemic, emphasized the importance of the "standard", and gave guidance on the progress and content of the "standard" preparation work.

Zhang Miao delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the editor-in-chief and said that he would strongly support the completion of the preparation work on time with high standards and quality.Sun Jianchao thanked the association for its trust and support to the editor-in-chief, and at the same time welcomed the participating units, and proposed that the standard preparation will be completed in accordance with the requirements of the association with high quality, and strive to lead the existing prefabricated buildings to further green , environmental protection, comfort and healthy development.Wu Zhen participated in the meeting and fully affirmed the topic and content of this standard, which is consistent with the guidelines and policies of industrialization promoted by the country, and gave opinions on the development direction of the standard.Zhao Xiaomin proposed that standards should be positioned at a high point to guide the development of the industry. At the same time, it emphasizes the details of standard preparation, completes the whole process assessment, and fully reflects the green construction method. He also expressed the hope that the major economic regions such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta will promote green construction of prefabricated buildings in concert to improve the universality of standards.

The preparation of the association standard "Green Construction Evaluation Standard for Prefabricated Buildings" officially started

Zhao Yange introduced the participating units and the members of the compilation team, and reported the work outline. Afterwards, the representatives discussed the key content of the standard framework, scope of application, and main research issues. They separately discussed the prefabricated buildings such as worker health and protection, transportation route organization, integrated design of prefabricated building decoration, human settlement environment evaluation, standard evaluation dimension, evaluation time point, evaluation subject, application object, three prefabricated building system evaluation indicators, etc. and provide comments and suggestions on key content of the evaluation. At the meeting, the scope of application of the standard and the content of the framework were implemented, the division of labor was discussed and determined, and the preparation schedule and next work content were proposed.

The preparation of the "Standard" can provide technical guidance for the green performance of prefabricated buildings throughout the life cycle, provide strong support for the development planning and technical guidance of prefabricated buildings, and promote the development of prefabricated buildings in a greener, environmentally friendly and high-quality direction .

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