The transformation of old communities in cities and towns in Jiangxi Province is at the forefront of the country


1481 planned tasks for 2020 have been completed 959 planned tasks for 2021 have been started

On July 4, the reporter learned from the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development that as of the end of June, 1,506 communities in the 2020 plan for the transformation of old communities in Jiangxi Province had completed 1,481, with a completion rate of 98.34%, benefiting 313,800 households. In 2021, 1277 communities have started to renovate 959, with an operating rate of 75.1%, benefiting 295,800 households.

The transformation of old communities in cities and towns is related to whether the people can live and work in peace and contentment. It is not only a livelihood project, but also a popular support project. According to a report from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in recent years, the data on the renovation of old communities in Jiangxi Province has continued to rank in the forefront of the country: From 2019 to 2021, the province has included 3,469 old communities in the central subsidy fund support program, benefiting 1.0224 million households, and the total number of households benefited by the three-year renovation ranks eighth in the country. Among them, 686 communities planned for 2019 will be completely renovated by the end of 2020, and 1,506 communities planned for 2020 will all be renovated that year. At the end of April and May this year, Jiangxi Province’s 2021 planned task start rate ranked fifth and ninth in the country respectively. A large number of old communities have been renewed, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security has been further enhanced.

All along, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have always carried out the transformation of old communities in a spirit of being highly responsible to the party and the people. It will be included in the “Five Tackling Actions” in 2019 to promote the education of the theme of “Don’t forget the original intention and keep in mind the mission”, 51 people’s livelihood projects in 2020, and “I do practical things for the people” key livelihood projects in 2021. Efforts to improve the community environment, improve community functions, and facilitate the lives of the people. The provincial government signed a target responsibility letter with each districted city government, and held several special meetings to deploy and advance. In order to fully implement the transformation tasks, the provincial government issued guidance and the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department issued a series of supporting documents to provide technical support and guidance for the scientific implementation of the transformation.

"We adhere to the concept of'careful planning, exquisite construction, fine management, and exquisite presentation', and focus on improving the function and quality of the community." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said that on the basis of a thorough investigation of the old communities in cities and towns, all localities have made targeted, bottom-up, and level-by-level special plans for transformation. The transformation work implements the model of "striving for some subsidies from the central government, allocation of local finances, encouraging units to invest some, guiding the masses to contribute some, and relying on the market to finance some" model, and actively solve the problem of funding. Various localities explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for multi-party participation in management such as community neighborhood committees, owners' committees, and property service companies, and guide the renovated old communities to strengthen management. In this process, the enthusiasm for participation of the masses is fully aroused-fully listen to public opinions before the transformation, and mobilize the participation of the masses during the transformation, and the effect after the transformation is evaluated by the masses. Through online and offline solicitation of opinions, holding bench meetings, and forming temporary party branches, the masses are mobilized to actively participate in the transformation of old communities.

At the same time, Jiangxi Province has also established a work advancement mechanism for monthly scheduling, quarterly notifications, and final interviews. Since 2019, the main leaders of the housing construction departments of 9 districted cities and the leaders in charge of 4 county and district governments were interviewed and reminded successively, and 5 quarterly bulletins, 1 supervision letter and 1 work reminder letter were issued. By the end of 2021, all 1,506 communities in the province's 2020 plan will be renovated and all 1,277 communities will be renovated this year.

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