Green building tried full photovoltaic wall for the first time, Beijing Future Science City built a "house capable of generating electricity"


It is more common to install solar photovoltaic panels on the roof, but have you ever seen a building where the walls are also made of photovoltaic panels? Such a "house capable of generating electricity" was officially completed and put into use in Beijing Future Science City recently, attracting many industry experts to visit. The building is a BIPV (Building Integration Photovoltaic) building energy centralized control and experiment platform (referred to as the BIPV Center) independently designed and constructed by the National Energy Group Green Energy and Building Research Center.

What does a "house that can generate electricity" look like? The reporter came to the National Energy Group Park of the Future Science City a few days ago and saw that the whole building was constructed from dark rectangular thin-film photovoltaic modules with a mirror effect. It was particularly eye-catching from a distance. Although the effect is somewhat similar to the glass curtain wall design commonly used in cities, the photovoltaic panels effectively absorb sunlight, so no light pollution occurs, and the visual effect is more comfortable. In view of the different light angles at different times of the day, the photovoltaic panel can be tilted to adjust the angle to maximize the absorption of light.

"With the photovoltaic modules on the wall, the BIPV center is expected to generate 75,000 kWh of electricity throughout the year, which can be used by itself, which can meet the power consumption of 35% to 40% of the office building of the same size as the BIPV center." Standing in front of the BIPV Center, Jiang Kai, deputy director of the Green Building Center, showed confidence in his tone: “For a full-photovoltaic wall building of this scale, we have achieved the first in China. "BIPV Center covers an area of about 752.9 square meters, with a construction area of 1063.69 square meters, the main building is 8.67 meters high, and a display tower is attached with a height of 18.57 meters. The center's east, west, and south facades and roofs are covered with 1,155 thin-film photovoltaic modules.

The light integrated fabricated photovoltaic wall also has the characteristics of rapid assembly construction and energy saving. “Blocks of photovoltaic wall units are directly transported to the construction site after processing in the factory. After the steel structure was built, the photovoltaic wall was assembled piece by piece like building blocks. The whole building wall was assembled in only 7 days.” Jiang Kai said.

It is also understood that the photovoltaic module as the wall also has a layer of hollow and thermal insulation photovoltaic waste heat utilization system. After the sun shines, hot air of about 50°C will be formed in this cavity. In winter, the hot air in the cavity will be sent to the room, which can effectively raise the room temperature by 3 to 5°C. In summer, the full photovoltaic wall can reduce the indoor temperature by about 5℃ by absorbing light and natural ventilation.

Want to build such a house that is both energy-saving, environmentally friendly and attractive, is it more expensive than traditional buildings? Jiang Kai said that photovoltaic walls are indeed more expensive than ordinary glass curtain walls, but the benefits of power generation in subsequent use will gradually cover the higher costs within a few years, and the service life of photovoltaic walls can be as long as more than 20 years. But he also said that photovoltaic walls are more suitable for public buildings with few windows, such as museums, transportation hubs, and office parks.

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